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Table 6a. Female adults and adolescents infected through injection drug use: area of residence at the time of AIDS diagnosis, ranked by incidence and prevalence, 2004
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Area of residence Injection drug use
Incidence   Prevalence
1981–2004   2004 Dec. 31, 2004
No. Rank No. Rank No. Rank
Alabama 446 21   35 19   203 22
Alaska 26 47 1 47 12 49
Arizona 365 23 23 23 155 25
Arkansas 171 34 7 35 99 32
California 4,378 4 159 5 2,160 4
Colorado 231 30 20 25 128 27
Connecticut 2,086 11 77 12 984 9
Delaware 419 22 14 30 214 21
District of Columbia 1,639 12 107 9 956 11
Florida 6,387 3 316 2 2,530 2
Georgia 1,581 13 86 11 775 13
Guam 2 54 0 1 54
Hawaii 73 41 0 35 42
Idaho 24 48 1 47 15 47
Illinois 2,549 9 134 7 1,181 8
Indiana 251 29 15 28 121 29
Iowa 52 44 7 35 29 44
Kansas 80 38 4 41 43 39
Kentucky 195 31 15 28 108 31
Louisiana 998 15 72 14 509 14
Maine 48 45 4 41 25 45
Maryland 3,963 5 230 4 1,809 5
Massachusetts 2,088 10 90 10 984 9
Michigan 1,148 14 41 17 409 17
Minnesota 146 35 10 33 88 34
Mississippi 303 25 26 22 165 24
Missouri 273 27 17 26 149 26
Montana 10 52 0 5 52
Nebraska 70 42 5 38 42 40
Nevada 269 28 16 27 120 30
New Hampshire 70 42 2 43 42 40
New Jersey 6,801 2 154 6 2,241 3
New Mexico 74 40 5 38 34 43
New York 21,550 1 751 1 8,220 1
North Carolina 979 16 59 15 459 16
North Dakota 5 53 2 43 4 53
Ohio 525 19 29 21 308 19
Oklahoma 172 33 12 32 78 35
Oregon 140 36 8 34 77 36
Pacific Islandsa 0 0 0
Pennsylvania 3,009 7 126 8 1,639 7
Puerto Rico 2,551 8 77 12 897 12
Rhode Island 294 26 13 31 126 28
South Carolina 633 18 35 19 311 18
South Dakota 17 50 1 47 7 50
Tennessee 510 20 38 18 257 20
Texas 3,322 6 234 3 1,789 6
Utah 106 37 2 43 53 37
Vermont 23 49 0 13 48
Virgin Islands 39 46 2 43 19 46
Virginia 909 17 51 16 473 15
Washington 322 24 23 23 190 23
West Virginia 75 39 5 38 44 38
Wisconsin 193 32 7 35 95 33
Wyoming 12 51 1 47 6 51
Note. Data are adjusted for delays in reporting cases and deaths and for redistribution of cases in persons initially reported without an identified risk factor.
a American Samoa and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
Last Modified: August 4, 2006
Last Reviewed: August 4, 2006
Content Source:
Divisions of HIV/AIDS Prevention
National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention
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