1997 Economic Census:
Comparative Statistics for Iowa
1987 SIC Basis: Transportation, Communications and Utilities

Transportation, Communications and Utilities by Major Group (2-digit SIC)
Includes only establishments with payroll. Data are in current dollars and have not been adjusted for inflation. Detail may not add to total because of rounding. Introductory text includes scope and methodology.
For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table. An alternate display has fewer columns.

SIC 1987 SIC Description Establishments Revenue
Paid employees Annual payroll
1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg
  Transportation, communications, and utilities %% ** 4,637 4,002 15.9 10,662,026 7,874,478 35.4 61,007 53,806 13.4 1,791,260 1,344,971 33.2
41 Local and interurban passenger transportation 162 131 23.7 D 38,433 N (1000-2499) 1,835 N D 15,201 N
42 Motor freight transportation and warehousing 2,826 2,286 23.6 D 2,450,603 N (25k-49999) 26,050 N D 576,266 N
44 Water transportation 63 42 50.0 D 104,469 N (500-999) 538 N D 13,649 N
45 Transportation by air %% 114 100 14.0 D 145,282 N (1000-2499) 1,495 N D 30,570 N
46 Pipelines, except natural gas 22 18 22.2 D 57,461 N (100-249) 182 N D 7,787 N
47 Transportation services 343 318 7.9 D 90,312 N (1000-2499) 1,877 N D 31,609 N
48 Communications 747 741 0.8 3,058,876 2,140,546 42.9 12,676 11,063 14.6 408,715 290,211 40.8
49 Electric, gas, and sanitary services 360 366 -1.6 3,662,954 2,847,372 28.6 9,071 10,766 -15.7 391,233 379,678 3.0
N=Comparable data not available D=Withheld to avoid disclosure
%% Data do not include large certificated passenger carriers that report to the Office of Airline Statistics, U.S. Dept. of Transportation
** Railroad transportation and U.S. Postal Service industries are out of scope for the 1997 Economic Census



Transportation, Communications and Utilities by Industry (4-digit SIC)
Includes only establishments with payroll. Data are in current dollars and have not been adjusted for inflation. Detail may not add to total because of rounding. Introductory text includes scope and methodology.
For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table. An alternate display has fewer columns.

SIC 1987 SIC Description Establishments Revenue
Paid employees Annual payroll
1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg
  Transportation, communications, and utilities %% ** 4,637 4,002 15.9 10,662,026 7,874,478 35.4 61,007 53,806 13.4 1,791,260 1,344,971 33.2
SIC 1987 SIC Description Establishments Revenue
Paid employees Annual payroll
1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg
41 Local and interurban passenger transportation 162 131 23.7 D 38,433 N (1000-2499) 1,835 N D 15,201 N
411 Local and suburban passenger transportation 104 82 26.8 D 16,698 N (1000-2499) 1,045 N D 7,684 N
4111 Local and suburban transit 17 13 30.8 D 1,090 N (100-249) 103 N D 606 N
4119 Other local passenger transportation 87 69 26.1 D 15,608 N (1000-2499) 942 N D 7,078 N
412 Taxi service 22 17 29.4 4,800 2,234 114.9 220 130 69.2 2,015 996 102.3
4121 Taxi service 22 17 29.4 4,800 2,234 114.9 220 130 69.2 2,015 996 102.3
413 Interurban and rural bus transportation 4 9 -55.6 2,555 3,765 -32.1 97 59 64.4 706 1,059 -33.3
4131 Interurban and rural bus transportation 4 9 -55.6 2,555 3,765 -32.1 97 59 64.4 706 1,059 -33.3
414 Charter bus service 18 12 50.0 17,118 9,617 78.0 329 249 32.1 4,627 2,912 58.9
4141 Charter bus service, local 1 0 N D 0 N (20-99) 0 N D 0 N
4142 Charter bus service, interstate/interurban 17 12 41.7 D 9,617 N (250-499) 249 N D 2,912 N
415 School bus service 14 11 27.3 D 6,119 N (250-499) 352 N D 2,550 N
4151 School bus service 14 11 27.3 D 6,119 N (250-499) 352 N D 2,550 N
417 Bus terminal and service facilities 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 0 N
4173 Bus terminal and service facilities 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 0 N
SIC 1987 SIC Description Establishments Revenue
Paid employees Annual payroll
1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg
42 Motor freight transportation and warehousing 2,826 2,286 23.6 D 2,450,603 N (25k-49999) 26,050 N D 576,266 N
421 Trucking and courier services, except air 2,715 2,207 23.0 D 2,324,584 N (25k-49999) 24,690 N D 547,341 N
4212 Local trucking without storage 1,197 1,010 18.5 549,577 377,205 45.7 5,809 4,317 34.6 121,181 72,211 67.8
4213 Trucking, except local 1,387 1,078 28.7 2,494,547 1,711,731 45.7 20,663 15,924 29.8 589,746 380,256 55.1
4214 Local trucking with storage 27 51 -47.1 D 23,797 N (250-499) 426 N D 6,561 N
4215 Courier services, except by air 104 68 52.9 D 211,851 N (2500-4999) 4,023 N D 88,313 N
422 Public warehousing and storage 111 79 40.5 142,139 126,019 12.8 1,812 1,360 33.2 44,218 28,925 52.9
4221 Farm product warehousing and storage facilities 5 7 -28.6 1,555 3,410 -54.4 14 34 -58.8 306 688 -55.5
4222 Refrigerated products warehousing 36 29 24.1 71,341 57,768 23.5 798 695 14.8 20,008 14,086 42.0
4225 General warehousing and storage 63 33 90.9 63,518 61,734 2.9 953 597 59.6 23,036 13,452 71.2
4226 Other special warehousing and storage 7 10 -30.0 5,725 3,107 84.3 47 34 38.2 868 699 24.2
423 Trucking terminal facilities 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 0 N
4231 Trucking terminal facilities 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 0 N
SIC 1987 SIC Description Establishments Revenue
Paid employees Annual payroll
1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg
44 Water transportation 63 42 50.0 D 104,469 N (500-999) 538 N D 13,649 N
441 Deep sea freight transportation 2 0 N D 0 N (20-99) 0 N D 0 N
4412 Deep sea freight transportation 2 0 N D 0 N (20-99) 0 N D 0 N
442 Coastal and intercoastal freight transportation 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 0 N
4424 Coastal and intercoastal freight transportation 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 0 N
443 Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Seaway freight transportation 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 0 N
4432 Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Seaway freight transportation 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 0 N
444 Inland waterways freight transportation 2 2 0.0 D D N (100-249) (100-249) N D D N
4449 Inland waterways freight transportation 2 2 0.0 D D N (100-249) (100-249) N D D N
448 Water transportation of passengers 4 3 33.3 D D N (20-99) (20-99) N D D N
4481 Deep sea passenger transportation, except by ferry 1 0 N D 0 N (1-19) 0 N D 0 N
4482 Ferry transportation 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 0 N
4489 Water transportation of passengers, not elsewhere classified 3 3 0.0 D D N (20-99) (20-99) N D D N
449 Services incidental to water transportation 55 37 48.6 D 55,791 N (250-499) 350 N D 7,668 N
4491 Marine cargo handling and operation of port and waterfront terminals 11 6 83.3 D D N (20-99) (20-99) N D D N
4492 Towing and tugboat services 8 6 33.3 D 9,742 N (100-249) 202 N D 3,726 N
4493 Marinas 28 21 33.3 18,886 13,437 40.6 133 99 34.3 3,337 2,207 51.2
4499 Other water transportation services 8 4 100.0 D D N (1-19) (1-19) N D D N
SIC 1987 SIC Description Establishments Revenue
Paid employees Annual payroll
1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg
45 Transportation by air %% 114 100 14.0 D 145,282 N (1000-2499) 1,495 N D 30,570 N
451 Scheduled air transportation and air courier services %% 48 38 26.3 D 101,595 N (500-999) 998 N D 21,977 N
4512 Scheduled air transportation %% 16 10 60.0 20,149 D N 310 (500-999) N 6,488 D N
4513 Air courier services 32 28 14.3 D D N (500-999) (250-499) N D D N
452 Nonscheduled air transportation 20 21 -4.8 D 7,273 N (100-249) 100 N D 1,390 N
4522 Nonscheduled air transportation 20 21 -4.8 D 7,273 N (100-249) 100 N D 1,390 N
458 Airport terminal services 46 41 12.2 20,411 36,414 -43.9 341 397 -14.1 4,680 7,203 -35.0
4581 Airport terminal services 46 41 12.2 20,411 36,414 -43.9 341 397 -14.1 4,680 7,203 -35.0
SIC 1987 SIC Description Establishments Revenue
Paid employees Annual payroll
1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg
46 Pipelines, except natural gas 22 18 22.2 D 57,461 N (100-249) 182 N D 7,787 N
461 Pipelines, except natural gas 22 18 22.2 D 57,461 N (100-249) 182 N D 7,787 N
4612 Pipeline transportation of crude oil 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 0 N
4613 Pipeline transportation of refined petroleum products 17 7 142.9 D D N (100-249) (20-99) N D D N
4619 All other pipeline transportation 5 11 -54.5 D D N (1-19) (20-99) N D D N
SIC 1987 SIC Description Establishments Revenue
Paid employees Annual payroll
1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg
47 Transportation services 343 318 7.9 D 90,312 N (1000-2499) 1,877 N D 31,609 N
472 Arrangement of passenger transportation 220 242 -9.1 D 43,028 N (1000-2499) 1,293 N D 18,430 N
4724 Travel agencies 198 209 -5.3 43,545 37,105 17.4 979 1,108 -11.6 18,166 16,501 10.1
4725 Tour operators 16 24 -33.3 2,471 5,450 -54.7 61 168 -63.7 1,300 1,746 -25.5
4729 Arrangement of passenger transportation, not elsewhere classified 6 9 -33.3 D 473 N (20-99) 17 N D 183 N
473 Freight shipping services 93 50 86.0 D 13,731 N (250-499) 219 N D 4,500 N
4731 Freight shipping services 93 50 86.0 D 13,731 N (250-499) 219 N D 4,500 N
474 Railroad car rental 4 3 33.3 D D N (20-99) (1-19) N D D N
4741 Railroad car rental 4 3 33.3 D D N (20-99) (1-19) N D D N
478 Miscellaneous services incidental to transportation 26 23 13.0 D D N (250-499) (250-499) N D D N
4783 Packing and crating 4 5 -20.0 D 569 N (1-19) 22 N D 222 N
4785 Fixed facilities, inspection, and weighing services 1 0 N D 0 N (1-19) 0 N D 0 N
4789 Transportation services, not elsewhere classified 21 18 16.7 D D N (250-499) (250-499) N D D N
SIC 1987 SIC Description Establishments Revenue
Paid employees Annual payroll
1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg
48 Communications 747 741 0.8 3,058,876 2,140,546 42.9 12,676 11,063 14.6 408,715 290,211 40.8
481 Telephone 547 533 2.6 2,651,075 1,788,762 48.2 8,221 6,903 19.1 305,640 204,558 49.4
4812 Radiotelephone 82 50 64.0 D 87,434 N (500-999) 744 N D 13,064 N
4813 Other telephone 465 483 -3.7 D 1,701,328 N (5000-9999) 6,159 N D 191,494 N
482 Telegraph communications 0 1 N 0 D N 0 (20-99) N 0 D N
4822 Telegraph communications 0 1 N 0 D N 0 (20-99) N 0 D N
483 Radio and television broadcasting 140 131 6.9 D 160,640 N (2500-4999) 2,968 N D 59,781 N
4832 Radio broadcasting 121 111 9.0 D 67,846 N (1000-2499) 1,836 N D 30,319 N
4833 Television broadcasting 19 20 -5.0 97,243 92,794 4.8 967 1,132 -14.6 29,602 29,462 0.5
484 Cable and other pay television broadcasting 54 69 -21.7 D 179,398 N (1000-2499) 1,077 N D 23,929 N
4841 Cable and other pay television broadcasting 54 69 -21.7 D 179,398 N (1000-2499) 1,077 N D 23,929 N
489 Communication services, not elsewhere classified 6 7 -14.3 D D N (20-99) (20-99) N D D N
4899 Communication services, not elsewhere classified 6 7 -14.3 D D N (20-99) (20-99) N D D N
SIC 1987 SIC Description Establishments Revenue
Paid employees Annual payroll
1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg
49 Electric, gas, and sanitary services 360 366 -1.6 3,662,954 2,847,372 28.6 9,071 10,766 -15.7 391,233 379,678 3.0
491 Electric services 67 69 -2.9 426,924 D N 1,330 (1000-2499) N 49,198 D N
4911 Electric services 67 69 -2.9 426,924 D N 1,330 (1000-2499) N 49,198 D N
492 Gas production and distribution 46 42 9.5 D 278,741 N (500-999) 774 N D 27,714 N
493 Combination utility services 159 173 -8.1 D D N (5000-9999) (5000-9999) N D D N
494 Water supply 25 29 -13.8 D 34,790 N (100-249) 227 N D 5,693 N
4941 Water supply 25 29 -13.8 D 34,790 N (100-249) 227 N D 5,693 N
495 Sanitary services 61 53 15.1 D 47,965 N (250-499) 537 N D 12,759 N
496 Steam and air-conditioning supply 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 0 N
4961 Steam and air-conditioning supply 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 0 N
497 Irrigation systems 2 0 N D 0 N (1-19) 0 N D 0 N
4971 Irrigation systems 2 0 N D 0 N (1-19) 0 N D 0 N
N=Comparable data not available D=Withheld to avoid disclosure
%% Data do not include large certificated passenger carriers that report to the Office of Airline Statistics, U.S. Dept. of Transportation
** Railroad transportation and U.S. Postal Service industries are out of scope for the 1997 Economic Census

Top: 2-digit SIC table All-sector table Data in formats for downloading PDF report

- Source: 1997 Economic Census, Comparative Statistics   - Questions?
Last revised: March 01, 2004