1997 Economic Census:
Comparative Statistics for Iowa
1987 SIC Basis: Manufacturing




Manufacturing by Industry (4-digit SIC)
Includes only establishments with payroll. Data are in current dollars and have not been adjusted for inflation. Detail may not add to total because of rounding. Introductory text includes scope and methodology.
For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table. An alternate display has fewer columns.

SIC 1987 SIC Description Establishments Value of Shipments
Paid employees Annual payroll
1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg
  Manufacturing 3,934 3,798 3.6 63,640,436 46,363,751 37.3 244,994 221,927 10.4 7,849,890 6,195,620 26.7
20 Food and kindred products 403 424 -5.0 21,660,998 18,610,239 16.4 45,578 47,101 -3.2 1,281,060 1,177,354 8.8
22 Textile mill products 11 13 -15.4 D 119,012 N (1000-2499) 1,011 N D 23,020 N
23 Apparel and other textile products 111 98 13.3 322,372 308,395 4.5 4,095 5,127 -20.1 73,517 79,967 -8.1
24 Lumber and wood products 236 198 19.2 1,282,615 664,770 92.9 10,682 7,322 45.9 281,178 174,062 61.5
25 Furniture and fixtures 99 85 16.5 922,929 546,273 69.0 5,678 4,578 24.0 170,929 116,155 47.2
26 Paper and allied products 49 56 -12.5 1,677,172 1,244,033 34.8 6,152 5,875 4.7 210,584 166,834 26.2
27 Printing and publishing 804 832 -3.4 2,746,678 2,152,874 27.6 21,526 20,514 4.9 626,768 496,035 26.4
28 Chemicals and allied products 121 116 4.3 5,282,251 3,396,411 55.5 6,769 6,526 3.7 262,807 217,396 20.9
29 Petroleum and coal products 16 13 23.1 110,337 71,290 54.8 166 161 3.1 5,331 4,368 22.0
30 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 180 168 7.1 2,433,222 1,651,211 47.4 15,189 13,551 12.1 444,274 352,716 26.0
31 Leather and leather products 23 20 15.0 D 49,068 N (500-999) 679 N D 11,961 N
32 Stone, clay, and glass products 311 291 6.9 1,563,651 1,011,866 54.5 7,085 5,492 29.0 209,974 150,810 39.2
33 Primary metal industries 71 67 6.0 2,726,844 1,554,807 75.4 9,575 8,359 14.5 395,311 301,981 30.9
34 Fabricated metal products 360 304 18.4 3,092,862 2,019,702 53.1 21,924 16,811 30.4 642,789 441,923 45.5
35 Industrial machinery and equipment 686 678 1.2 12,178,786 6,751,380 80.4 42,900 37,421 14.6 1,737,423 1,292,151 34.5
36 Electronic and other electric equipment 93 103 -9.7 3,072,880 3,426,133 -10.3 16,576 18,555 -10.7 514,697 566,835 -9.2
37 Transportation equipment 142 124 14.5 2,371,696 1,531,734 54.8 14,727 11,185 31.7 404,231 271,352 49.0
38 Instruments and related products 65 59 10.2 D 764,943 N (10k-24999) 7,012 N D 241,539 N
39 Miscellaneous manufacturing industries 153 149 2.7 551,674 489,610 12.7 4,084 4,647 -12.1 121,726 109,161 11.5
N=Comparable data not available D=Withheld to avoid disclosure

Top: 2-digit SIC table All-sector table Data in formats for downloading PDF report

- Source: 1997 Economic Census, Comparative Statistics   - Questions?
Last revised: March 01, 2004