Find Your Voice for Better Health

Effective communication with your doctor is a key part of managing your rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Let’s Talk RA offers you the opportunity to take the first step to find your voice for better health. Get started by ordering a Let’s Talk RA Communication Kit, which includes a health assessment questionnaire, participant survey and other information to help you communicate about your RA.

Coming Soon…

Visit this page again in April to:

  • Read about three real people -- Andrea, Patricia Ann, and Ken -- their real lives and the real results they’ve experienced with Let’s Talk RA.
  • Hear the latest podcast Good, Better, Best Conversations with your Doctor to find out how you can get the most out of your doctor visits.
  • Find answers from the expert.  Rheumatologist Dr. Jack Klippel addresses questions you asked at Let’s Talk RA Town Hall meetings.

Communication Is Key

The Let’s Talk RA Communication Guide is packed full of valuable tips to help you pave the way to an open, informed patient/doctor dialogue. Here’s a sampling of what you’ll find:

Do your homework—You may not be in school anymore but preparing for your appointments by writing down questions, new symptoms, and items you’d like to discuss will go a long way toward optimizing the time you spend with your rheumatologist.

Don’t rely on memory – Jot down important instructions and facts that your doctor tells you during your visit. It’s too easy to forget crucial details by the time you get home.

Ask questions – Don’t be afraid to speak up and ask questions if there’s anything you don’t understand. You’ll be better able to follow your treatment plan if you and your doctor are on the same page.

Be open and honest – It’s in your best interest to be honest about how you’re adhering to your treatment plan. Potential stumbling blocks such as daily schedule, medication side effects, money issues, or eating habits that are getting in the way of following your rheumatologist’s recommendations can be addressed -- but only if your doctor knows of the problem. 

Order your Let’s Talk RA Communication Kit.

The Arthritis Foundation thanks Bristol-Myers Squibb for its support
in underwriting the development of the "Let's Talk RA" program. For additional RA disease
information from Bristol-Myers Squibb, visit

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