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Membership and Donation Opportunities
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You can help improve 46 million lives by supporting the Arthritis Foundation by making your tax deductible gift today.  Select the way you'd like to give.


Become a Member
Become a member and take advantage of the benefits including access to Arthritis Specialists Referral List, Member's Only discount on all Foundation books and video purchases, a full year's subscription to Arthritis Today magazine, special updates on research, and much more.
 Join Today!

Already a member? Renew online today!


Research Advocate
Show Leadership and become a Research Advocate by donating $100 or more, you'll get special recognition as a leader in the support of arthritis research, PLUS you'll get a complimentary Membership (including Arthritis Today magazine) and other special benefits for Research Advocates.  Donate Now


General Donations
When you give to the Arthritis Foundation, you're making a wise investment. Not only does your gift go to work immediately, helping us serve Americans with arthritis, their families and health professionals who help them, but it's also an investment in the future, helping find a cure for arthritis. Help the Arthritis Foundation in the fight against arthritis by supporting research and community services. Donate Now


Memorial and Tribute Donations
There are now two ways to honor your loved ones.  The Arthritis Foundation's Hope Through HeroesSM is a virtual memorial and tribute site where you can honor or commemorate the life of a friend or loved one by sharing their inspirational stories of hope.  Or you may simply give a memorial gift in celebration of your loved one. 
Create or donate to a Hope Through Heroes tribute site or
Make a memorial donation

Planned Giving
Planned giving integrates a donor's charitable gift with his or her overall financial, tax, and estate planning goals to maximize benefits to both the donor and the Arthritis Foundation. Meet your financial goals and help fight arthritis by arranging to make a long-term donation. Learn More
Charitable Giving Tax Service for Professionals
Professional Advisor Resources
Other Ways to Give

Explore more creative and practical ways to make the most of your contribution.
*Donate Your Car
*Local Fundraisers





Donate by Phone or Mail

To donate to the Arthritis Foundation by phone, call 800-283-7800.

To donate by mail, simply download the form from the link below, print it, and mail the completed donor form with your check to this address:
Arthritis Foundation
PO Box 96280                                                                    Washington, D.C. 20077-7491

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Size: 33 KB


Thank You
You are our number one reason to give thanks. Everyone has a chance to make that difference. Each investment helps people suffering with the disabling effects of arthritis take greater control of their lives and of their pain. Whether an individual, corporation, foundation or organization, you are the number one reason 46 million Americans can have hope of someday living a life free of the pain and disability of arthritis.