NOAA Seal - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Photo Gallery
M/V Kuroshima Oil Spill, AK

If you use these images, please credit the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Department of Commerce or, where indicated, the identified photographer or other source.

Map of Greater UnAlaska Bay. Ship in water with waves. Ship in water with mountains in background. Map of Summer Lake. Photo of a man standing holding a duck. Photo of bird carcass on snow. Photo of three workers kneeling on hillside with shoves in hand. Photo of crane on snow with a man standing nearby. Photo of tide pool. Photo of worker standing in water with a rake in hand. Map of Shoreline Cleanup Status. Photo of shoreline area with a mountain. Photo of a shoreline cove with a mountain. Photo of a bay with hills on both sides. Photo of a lake with booms in the water and snowy mountains in the background. Photo of many dead salmon in stream. Aerial photo of oil sheen along shoreline. Map outlining oil sheen areas. Photo of vegetation near waters edge. Photo of shallow water way with a bridge above it. Photo of a person standing on beach with a fishing pole. Map of Summer Bay. Photo of beach with two picnic tables. Photo of a little vegetation. Photo of rocks with a pocket knife, a jar, and oil stranded. Photo of oil stains on rock. Map of Summer Lake. Photo of shoreline with mountain. Photo of large tarmat on beach. Photo of tarballs on beach. Photo of ropes and nets on rocks. Photo of bucket beside oil on beach. Photo of a gloved hand holding oily sand.

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