National Workforce Center for Emerging Technologies
  The National Workforce Center for Emerging Technologies (NWCET) is an NSF Advanced Technology Education Center in Information Technology located at Bellevue College, in Bellevue, Washington. Read more...
  What's New at NWCET
  The Annual IT Futures Education Summit: Friday, May 29th at Microsoft
  "Redefining IT/CS/BT Programs for 21st Century Industry & Students"
  The 2009 Washington State IT Futures Education Summit is scheduled for Friday, May 29th, 2009, at the Microsoft Corporate Conference Center. Register so you can join your fellow technical and workforce development instructors across our state in discovering new and innovative ways to improve IT education. This one-day free event features several industry and education speakers in various disciplines of IT to share the impacts, challenges, growth and demands of technology.

This year's key note speaker will be Jim LeValley, Group Product Manager for the Academic Segment, Microsoft Learning at Microsoft Corporation. Mr. LeValley will be speaking about "Job Market Outlook for IT Professionals."

Session titles are below. Included within the day's activities are drawings for great giveaways (books, seats to the 2009 Working Connections IT Faculty Development Institute, and more)! Morning and afternoon refreshments will be served, as well as lunch, and parking is free.

Please note: Program is subject to change.

Session #1 Presentations:
How to Refresh Your IT Program
Visual Studio 2010
Elluminate Your Classes

Session #2 Presentations:
Server 2008 RC2
Virtually, Virtualization: Shrink Your Server Environment
What's New Adobe? Creative Suite 4!

Session #3 Presentations:
SharePoint: Employers Want Your Students to Know this Application
Windows 7
Camtasia Studio, Snagit, & Jing Project: Creating Rich Media for Your Students

We will also be featuring a series of round table sessions during lunch:
So What Does a Green IT Job Really Look Like?
What's New with Microsoft Certifications?
Microsoft Project 2007: Tool up for Project!

This year's panel presentation and question/answer session will explore: "Keeping WA State IT & CS CTC Programs Current and Relevant to Meet Changing Industry Needs". Panelists include CTC faculty and administrators who have experienced first-hand reviewing, refreshing, redefining and creating IT/CS/BT programs on their campuses.

So, please join your fellow technical and workforce development instructors across our state to discover new ways to improve information technology (IT) education. This one-day, free event features several industry and education speakers in various disciplines and businesses to share the impacts, challenges, growth and demands of technology in today's world and classrooms. Benefits of attending:
  • Learn about current upcoming technical skills sought by businesses.
  • Focus on integration of new technologies and strategies for classroom learning.
  • Choose a break-out session with industry and faculty co-presenters for a specific area of interest.
  • Network with other instructors to build a community amongst our institutions.
8:00am - 8:30am Check in and continental breakfast
8:30am - 9:30am Keynote Speaker - Jim LeValley, Group Product Manager for the Academic Segment,
 Microsoft Learning at Microsoft Corporation, "Job Market Outlook for IT Professionals"
9:30am - 9:45am Break
9:45am - 10:45am Break-out session #1
10:45am - 11:45am Break-out session #2
11:45am - 1:00pm Lunch & Round Table Sessions
1:00pm - 2:00pm Break-out session #3
2:00pm - 2:15pm Break
2:15pm - 3:15pm Panel Presentation & Q.A.: "Keeping Washington State IT & CS CTC Programs Current
 and Relevant to Meet Changing Industry Needs"
3:15pm - 3:30pm Closing comments and give-away

Register Here!
    Survey to Determine Courses Offered at the 2009 Working Connections Institute
"Revitalizing IT Education"   The Working Connections IT Faculty Development Institute (WC Institute) and the Center for Information Technology Excellence (CITE) combine efforts to assess the new technologies you want to learn in-depth in August 2009 at the WC Institute.

What: Working Connections IT Faculty Development Institute
When: August 25-28, 2009
Where: Bellevue College campus
Cost: $650 (plus lodging costs, if needed)

We currently have a survey that will be used as input to develop the Working Connections training tracks. There are prizes for early survey participants!
  • The first 7 to complete the survey will receive a $5 Starbucks card
  • The next 6 will receive a $5 McDonalds card.
Winners will be notified and asked to provide their addresses for mailing purposes. So, please take your time and choose the technologies and topics that interest you the most. We appreciate your time completing this survey.

Take the Survey
    2009 Working Connections Faculty Development Institute
    The Working Connections IT Faculty Development Institute (WC Institute) will be holding its 11th annual Working Connections Institute August 25-28, 2009 (Tuesday through Friday), at Bellevue College. Tracks will be coming soon, so for now reserve your spot for first choice of a track.

The registration fee per participant is $650.
If you register before June 30, 2009, you will receive a $50 reduction in tuition. You will select your track after survey results from our state's IT/CS/BT faculty weigh in on which tracks will be offered.

The registration fee does not cover lodging. A special rate will be negotiated with a local hotel for your convenience.

For registrations the fee is due within 30 days of registration. Please make checks payable to: Bellevue College, 3000 Landerholm Circle SE, N211 Bellevue, Washington 98007

If you need to make special payment arrangements, because funding is available after the turn of the fiscal year, June 30, please make that note in the "comment section" of the registration. Contact Maureen Majury at 425.564.422, or by email with further questions or comments.
We look forward to seeing all of you this summer!

Register Now for the Discount
  Third Annual Careers in IT: The Real Story - Wednesday, April 29, 2009 (Free Event!)
IT careers graphic   Are your students curious about Information Technology (IT) or do they think IT is only for geeks? Do they think offshore outsourcing has eliminated all high paying technology jobs in the United States? Do your students believe they don't have the computer skills, technical competence or aptitude to do well in the information technology sector? Tell them to think again!!!

Scheduling updates on the speakers and panelists from local leading companies will be coming soon. There will be a drawing for exciting prizes!

Watch a Promotional Video!

Register Here!

Event Details:
Bellevue College, N201, N-Building
Wednesday, April 29th, 2009
8:30AM - 9:30AM (Check-in, Light refreshments and networking)
9:30AM - 11:30AM (Program)
11:30AM - 12:00PM (Lunch provided)

If you provide a minimum of 30 students we will offset the bus cost by $250 and a substitute teacher stipend of $200 will be provided for those high schools interested in offsetting expenses.
    are you certifiable? play now
  Recent Events
  washington working connections The 2008 Washington State Working Connections IT Faculty Development Institute held its 10th annual Working Connections Institute August 19-22, 2008,
at Bellevue College.
    Watch the videos from the 2007 IT Education Futures Summit.
    More Summit presentations and related material...
    Workforce Education Council/Continuing Education Council Presentations – February 8, 2007
    The Center of Excellence and National Workforce Center for Emerging Technologies (NWCET) were honored to present data on the “Future IT Workforce & Trends in IT Education and Careers” (Jerry Bunce, Boeing, and Michele Royer, NWCET) at the statewide WEC/CEC meeting February 8th at Bates College in Tacoma. The informative presentations are available for download here: Jerry's presentation, Michele's presentation.
You can also link to a podcast of the program, (click on right-hand menu) including a brief introduction of the event and speakers by former Center of Excellence director Jeff Johnson.
The podcast was produced by Greg Marshall of Whatcom College. The February 8 event was attended by over 100 representatives from thirty-four community and technical colleges. Thanks to Jerry and Michele for their excellent insights, detailed presentations, and IT workforce and education information shared with the group on behalf of the Center of Excellence.
    Future Potential in IT Event – February 18, 2007
    Videos of the Future Potential in IT are now available for viewing. 'Major Nelson' (Larry Hryb) the Director of Programming for Microsoft's Xbox Live: Windows media, Real player. Larry discusses the development process of the Xbox and gaming. Joel Chaplin of Infospace, Inc. was the keynote speaker, and speaks on his experiences in the IT industry: Windows media, Real player. The industry panel, with eight computing and IT professionals, discuss why students should consider "looking for a great major" in IT: Windows media, Real player.
    Any questions, contact us at or 425-564-4215.
    NWCET presented a podcasting workshop in partnership with Apple in November 2005. To listen to the workshop click here.
    NWCET now offers consulting services to help Community Colleges improve their IT programs and make them more responsive to market needs! Click here for details!
    page last updated May 5, 2009
    Contact our web manager for broken links or navigation problems.
Bellevue College
NWCET is a division of Bellevue College, and is partially funded by National Science Foundation grants.
National Science Foundation

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