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United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Museum Education Research History Remembrance Genocide Support
Survivor Affairs
Survivors Registry
Survivor Volunteers
Volunteer Appreciation, 2008
Web Links
Memory Project
First Person
Speakers Bureau
Survivor Tribute
Kristine Belfoure
Kristine Belfoure  Kristine Belfoure 
"During the war he asked my mother, "Can you take a Jewish woman into your house?" and, no, he asked me, if my mother would take this Jewish woman, and I said no, never tell her that she is Jewish. This grandmother did not want to go with her Jewish children to Italy, she said I’m too old I am going to die here, I’m not going any place, I love this city, okay. And the cook was left with her, but then when she came to live with us the cook would always come to deliver food so that my mother really didn’t have to do anything except make the toilet paper. But everything else was delivered. And so he was also the one who, she stayed. And I was already in Germany and she died peacefully in our house and nobody knew. Except that I had to teach her, my uncle said, you have to teach her prayers, Catholic prayers, the first thing they do they ask you about the Christian Catholic holidays, and the years of this and that."
(postwar testimony)

Other Survivor Volunteers


Who is a Survivor?
The Museum defines a survivor as a person who was displaced, persecuted, and/or discriminated against by the racial, religious, ethnic, social, and political policies of the Nazis and their allies. In addition to former inmates of concentration camps and ghettos this includes, among others, refugees and people in hiding.

Survivor Volunteers

Sam and Regina Spiegel (both survivor volunteers) first met in a Nazi forced-labor camp. They were reunited after the war. This photograph shows their wedding in the Föhrenwald displaced persons camp in Germany.
Sam and Regina Spiegel (both survivor volunteers) first met in a Nazi forced-labor camp. They were reunited after the war. This photograph shows their wedding in the Föhrenwald displaced persons camp in Germany.
Sam and Regina Spiegel, Maryland/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum #29745

Contact Us

Ellen Blalock
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW
Washington, D.C. 20024-2126
Tel.: (202) 488-0414

Rachel Wagner
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW
Washington, D.C. 20024-2126
Tel.: (202) 479-9732

If you are interested in arranging a speaking engagement with a survivor either at the Museum or in your community, please refer to Guidelines for Arranging a Survivor Presentation.

In Memoriam: Flora Singer

We note with sadness the death of United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Survivor Volunteer Flora Singer, who passed away February 25, 2009. Flora was an active member of the Museum's Speakers Bureau, a dedicated weekly volunteer at the Donor/Membership Desk in the Museum's Hall of Witness, and a published author in four volumes of the Museum’s “Echoes of Memory” publication.

Flora's Biography »
Flora's Memory Project »

Holocaust Survivor and Korean War POW

Tibor Rubin, a Survivor from Mauthausen concentration camp, was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his courageous service during the Korean War at a White House ceremony on September 23, 2005. Mr. Rubin, a former Army Corporal, is the first Jewish Korean War veteran and the first Holocaust Survivor to be awarded this honor.

What We Do

  • Represent and work with over 60 survivor volunteers at the Museum.

  • Support Public Programs at the Museum, such as First Person.

  • Organize conferences and programs outside the Museum. (Our representatives travel throughout the United States and all over Europe).

  • Coordinate The Memory Project which is a Writers Workshop for Survivor Volunteers which meet once a month.

  • Form links with other Survivor and Second Generation organizations worldwide.

The Museum is
who resided in France, Italy, Switzerland and Germany in 1946. LEARN MORE...