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A worldwide system of deepwater reference stations providing: High resolution measurements; The full depth of the ocean; Multi-year time scales; Dozens of variables; Real-time data access

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2008 Meeting
10-12 April 2008
Vienna, Austria
Agendas (PDF)
Attendees (PDF)
Data Management Report (PDF)


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OceanSITES Brochure
Spring 2006

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animation launch
In this animation, a seismometer at
an OceanSITES reference station
monitors an active fault zone.
View animation »

Putting eyes and ears in the deep ocean

OceanSITES is a worldwide system of long-term, deepwater reference stations measuring dozens of variables and monitoring the full depth of the ocean from air-sea interactions down to 5,000 meters.

Since 1999, the international OceanSITES science team has shared both data and costs in order to capitalize on the enormous potential of these moorings. The growing network now consists of about 30 surface and 30 subsurface arrays. Satellite telemetry enables near real-time access to OceanSITES data by scientists and the public.

OceanSITES moorings are an integral part of the Global Ocean Observing System. They complement satellite imagery and ARGO float data by adding the dimensions of time and depth.

For more information or to coordinate your research with the OceanSITES program, please contact the NOAA Cooperative Institute for Climate and Oceans Research at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: cicor@whoi.edu.