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Icon Protection Division
Commander - Deputy Chief Kevin Hay
Commander - Lieutenant Dennis Bosak


Intelligence/Counter Terrorism Unit is located within the Icon Protection Branch. The Unit also has detectives that coordinate Gang Intelligence for the Force.

This Unit maintains constant contact with Force members assigned to the Department of Homeland Security and F.B.I. Joint Terrorism Task Forces in New York, New Jersey and San Francisco, California in order to ensure the most efficient flow of information that may impact other icon park areas. The Intelligence/Counter Terrorism Unit is responsible for collecting, analyzing and disseminating all forms of domestic and foreign information/ intelligence that may impact on the mission of the United States Park Police.  The Unit also monitors First Amendment activities to include demonstrations, protests, marches and gatherings on National Park property to ensure compliance with Federal rules and regulations and prevent criminal activity.   The Unit participates in numerous intelligence sharing databases which provide real time situational awareness of events around the nation and the world.  The Unit also is active in several intelligence working groups which provide networking capabilities with virtually every Federal, State and Local law enforcement agency in the region.  All this serves to provide the Force decision makers with the most up to date tactical and strategic information available. The Intelligence/Counter-Terrorism Unit can be contacted at 202-610-8762 to report any suspicious activity which you feel may be terrorist related and a threat to our National Parks, Parkways and Monuments.









Anacostia District / Aviation Unit / B & W District / Canine Unit / Central District / Chief of Police / Community Service / Contact Info / Environmental Crimes Unit / Field Office