Eyewash & Emergency Showers 

(Ref. ANSI Standard Z358.1-1998)


  • Be able to deliver a pattern of water with a diameter of at least 20 inches at 60 inches.

  • Shower head be between 82 to 96 inches from the floor.

  • Minimum volume of spray is 20 gallons/minute for a minimum time of 15 minutes.

  • Shower activation time must be 1 second or less and not require continuous engagement of controls for continued operation.

  • Actuating valve or lever should not be more than 69 inches from the floor. 


  • Be able to deliver fluid to both eyes simultaneously at a volume of not less than 0.4 gallons/minute for 15 minutes.

  • Velocity of fluid should not be high enough to cause eye injury.

  • Mounted 33 to 45 inches from the floor.

  • Mounted a minimum of 6 inches away from the wall or obstructions.

  • Activation time of 1 second or less and the unit should remain operational without the need for continued activation.

  • Actuating valve or lever should be in an easily located area and be highly visible.

  • Must have nozzle caps to prevent foreign matter from accumulating in the nozzle area.  Nozzle caps should automatically separate from the nozzles when activated.


  • Flushing Fluid - any potable water, preserved water, preserved buffered saline solution or other medically acceptable solutions.

  • Flushing Time - affected body part must be flushed immediately and thoroughly for at least 15 minutes using a large supply of clean fluid under low pressure.

  • Water Temperature - standard states that water be "tepid" but does not give specific temperature range.  In general, water temperatures in the range of ~80 - 95 degrees F.

  • Signs & Lighting - highly visible signs must be posted in the area of emergency eyewash and shower stations.  The location should be well lit.

  • Location of Equipment - ANSI requires that a person must be able to reach the equipment within 10 seconds after chemical exposure.  Where a highly corrosive chemical is used, and emergency shower and eyewash station should be as close as 10 - 20 feet from the hazard.

    • No separation by a partition from the hazardous work area.

    • Unobstructed path from hazard to the eyewash or shower.

    • Located where easily visible.

    • Located on the same floor as the hazard.

    • Near emergency exit to allow emergency response personnel to easily reach and exposed employee.

    • Located in a non-hazardous area to prevent further contamination.

    • Drainage system to remove excess water.

    • Not near electrical equipment that could become wet.

    • Provide freeze protection for outdoor units, as necessary.

  • Maintenance - standard recommends a complete inspection on an annual (yearly) basis.  Keep a record of all inspections and maintenance.  Inspect and maintain in accordance with manufacturers recommendations.