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Total Forecast Page - Decoding Guide

    Scroll to the bottom of the image for a decoding guide for the forecast pages.

Image for decoding the Total Forecast Page


A - "7 Day Area Forecast" - This is the forecast for an area or zone that includes the point that was clicked. This is NOT a point forecast.   Temperatures will typically be for a range of values representative of that area or zone.

B - "Forecast at a Glance" - This is a point forecast for a representative point in the forecast zone or area that was selected by clicking on the map.   This forecast is not necessarily representative of your location, even if you are in the same forecast zone as this point.   Values for high and low temperature will be a single value, though locations near this point could easily be a few degrees warmer or cooler.  

The weather in the icons tends to be overly pessimistic and doesn't reflect changes that may occur within a 12-hour daytime or nighttime period.   For example, mostly cloudy becoming mostly sunny would probably be represented as partly cloudy or mostly cloudy by an icon.   If there is any fog at any time in a 12-hour daytime or nighttime period, the icon will show fog for the entire 12-hour daytime or nighttime period.

C - "Detailed Point Forecast" - If you click on this map, you will get a forecast for the point where you clicked.   This is a point forecast from the nearest 1.8 mile by 1.8 mile forecast grid.   This is not an average forecast for a larger area or zone. The "7 Day Area Forecast" becomes the "7 Day Point Forecast".  The "Forecast at a Glance" now becomes a forecast for the point you selected on the smaller thumbnail map.

D - "Current Conditions" - This is the latest weather report for a representative location in the forecast zone or area that was selected by clicking on the map.   This is not necessarily the report nearest to the point selected.

E - "More Local Wx:" - This is a link to additional weather reports in the forecast area or zone selected by clicking on the map.   One or more of these locations may be closer or more representative of the weather in your location than the default location under "Current Conditions".

F - "Additional Forecasts and Information" - This section constains links for additional information such as for a forecast discussion, observed rainfall, or a zoomed-in fog/vis satellite image.

G - "Radar and Satellite Images" - This section constains a link to the nearest radar and to an infrared satellite image.


---Q--- When the percent chance of rain is shown on the small icons on the
top of the forecast, sometimes the percent chance of precip is in red
and sometimes in green.
Is there any significance to the color used?

---Answer--- It has to do with precipitation type....
green - rain only [liquid precip (no thunder)]
red - rain and thunderstorms [liquid precip (with thunder)]
purple - wintry mix/freezing rain
blue - snow [frozen precip (thunder or no thunder)]
The colors are going to be changed to "black".

---Q--- What does the down-pointing arrow beside the temp. mean?

---Answer--- temperature falling
It should only appear during the daytime (non-diurnal temperature pattern).
Conversely you might see an up arrow at night for rising temperatures.

Additional forecast-at-a-glance webpage help

US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Salt Lake City Weather Forecast Office
2242 West North Temple
Salt Lake City, Utah 84116

Tel: (801) 524-5133

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