U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
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How IHS Reports Quality

How does IHS report on the quality of care it provides?
There are two ways that IHS reports on the quality of care it provides patients. One is for Transparency, which is described below and the second is for the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA). Click here to learn about GPRA and the IHS GPRA performance measures.

What is Transparency?
Transparency means that nothing is hidden and is easily seen. Sharing reports with you on the quality of health care is known as "Transparency." This request is from a 2006 Executive Order from President Bush. IHS, along with other Federal health care agencies such as the Veterans Administration (VA) and the Department of Defense (DoD), has to report on the quality of care given to our patients.

What is reported for Transparency?
To meet this request, IHS reports on seven performance measures for health conditions including diabetes, flu shots, pneumonia, asthma, and stroke. The seven performance measures are called "Transparency" measures. The VA and the DoD are also reporting some of the Transparency measures.

IHS is reporting on the seven Transparency measures listed below. There will be five more measures added in September 2009.

  • Diabetes: Hemoglobin A1c – Blood Sugar Control
  • Diabetes: LDL Cholesterol
  • Diabetes: Blood Pressure Control
  • Immunizations – Flu Shot
  • Pneumonia – Oxygen Assessment
  • Appropriate Medication for Asthma
  • Ischemic Stroke with Atrial Fibrillation – Anticoagulant Therapy

The IHS Transparency measures were developed by IHS. These measures are reported by all IHS Federal health care facilities so that everyone can compare performance on the measures between IHS facilities.

These reports are like report cards. The reports cards compare the quality of health care in one IHS medical facility with another IHS medical facility in your area. The report also compares the quality of health care with other medical facilities that are not in IHS.

How does IHS collect the information?
The information used for Transparency reporting is collected from the electronic medical records. IHS maintains electronic medical records for all of its patients.

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