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Questions of the Week For State Officials How Electors Vote Teaching Resources
Election Day is Tuesday, November 6, 2012

2004 Presidential Election

2004 Presidential Election Results

Ticket to Joint Session of Congress to Count Electoral Vote

Election 2004
President George W. Bush [R]
Main Opponent John F. Kerry [D]
Electoral Vote Winner:   286 Main Opponent:   251 Total/Majority:   538/270
Popular Vote Winner:   60,693,281 Main Opponent:  57,355,978
Votes for Others John Edwards (1)
Vice President Richard B. Cheney (286)
V.P. Opponent:   John Edwards (252)
Notes One Minnesota elector voted for John Edwards for both President and Vice President. During the counting of the vote in Congress, Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-Ohio) and Sen. Barabara Boxer (D-Calif.) raised objections to the Ohio Certificate of Vote alleging that the votes were not regularly given. Both houses voted to override the objection, 74 to 1 in the Senate and 267 to 31 in the House of Representatives.