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LRN Results Messenger and LIMS Integration

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The Laboratory Response Network (LRN) is a coordinated network of public health and other laboratories for which CDC provides standard assays and protocols for testing biological and chemical terrorism agents. LRN Results Messenger (LRN RM) was created to provide LRN laboratories with the ability to manage and share standard laboratory results data securely with public health partners. LRN RM represents the first step in an incremental approach to providing full standards-based electronic data exchange for this vital laboratory network. While the application is not intended as a substitute for a fully-functional laboratory information management system (LIMS), it is important for all LRN laboratories to be prepared.

The LIMS Integration (LIMSi) project is a parallel effort to LRN RM. It represents the next generation of the incremental approach to data exchange for the LRN. Its purpose is to enable laboratories to fulfill data exchange needs for the LRN using their own systems. LIMSi is currently facilitating collaborative efforts between CDC and public health laboratory subject matter experts to refine system requirements needed to configure LIMS to manage LRN testing. The LIMSi project is also creating a constrained version of the PHIN Laboratory Generic message guide that specifically targets the messaging and data mapping needs for the LRN.