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Two New Papers Available from the CAELA Network

A New CAELA Network brief, Facilitating Adult Learner Interventions to Build Speaking and Listening Skills, is now online This brief, written by Sharon McKay and Kirsten Schaetzel of the Center for Applied Linguistics, examines the research on learner interaction and summarizes the positive effects of classroom interaction on language learning. The brief also describes areas of focus for teachers who want to promote successful language learning interactions, provides examples of activities that can be used to structure and enhance classroom interactions, and discusses special considerations for using learner interaction activities in classes with beginning-level learners. Read the brief.

Also available on the CAELA Network Web site is a paper on adult English language instruction in the United States, Education for Adult English Language Learners in the United States: Trends, Research, and Promising Practices, written by staff of the Center for Applied Linguistics, describes the adult education system in the United States -- learner populations, programs serving them, assessment, professional development for practitioners, and research. Read the paper.

Framework for Quality Professional Development for Practitioners Working with Adult English Language Learners

The CAELA Network in cooperation with the Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE), U.S. Department of Education is pleased to announce the completion of its Framework for Quality Professional  Development for Practitioners Working With Adult English Language Learners. This framework was created to guide the development of high quality professional development opportunities for practitioners working with adult English language learners. It can be used by practitioners across the United States to plan, implement, and evaluate professional development for practitioners working with adult English language learners at the state and program levels. To read the framework, click here.

For adult ESL resource links, click here.

Ask CAELA - what you need to know about teaching ESL

Question of the Month: What is reflective teaching and what are benefits and challenges for adult ESL teaching practice?

Answer: For those working in adult English as a second language (ESL) settings, finding practical options for professional development is a concern. The field has a range of program types, a largely part-time workforce, limited financial resources for training, and varied policies and requirements for professional credentialing or certification (Burt & Keenan, 1998). Implementing approaches to professional development that accommodate these factors while providing opportunities for staff to expand their knowledge is a challenge. One practice that has gained popularity in recent years is reflective teaching. More



CAELA Network Newsletter Available Online

The March 2009 issue of the Network News is now available. Read the newsletter.

State Capacity Building Highlights

CAELA Initiative:

Summaries of state capacity building plans are available online. Read More

State Trainings:

2007 CAELA state-capacity were held in January and February. Read More

CAELA State Resources:

Information about the CAELA Guide