USGS - science for a changing world

Western Region Geology and Geophysics Science Center

Our Science
General Interest

Western Region Geology and Geophysics Center

We have changed our name
Our research group has changed its name from the Western Earth Surface Processes Team to the Western Region Geology and Geophysics Science Center. We are in the process of updating our web pages to reflect this change.

Mission of the Geology and Geophysics Science Center—Western Region
The scientists of the Geology and Geophysics Science Center conduct geological and geophysical research in the western United States. We specialize in the following areas of research:

  • Geologic mapping and three-dimensional modeling of geologic framework
  • Surficial geologic mapping and geomorphologic analysis
  • Regional geophysics
  • Energy resource assessments
  • Earth surface processes and climate change
  • Chronostratigraphy and paleontology.

Our research supports long-term goals of USGS programs in the categories of Hazards, Landscape, and Resource Assessments

Our general interest site has links to virtual field trips in the National Parks and along the San Andreas fault. It also has sites describing the general geology of selected regions of the country and selected earth science topics.
GGsc scientist studying faults and landscape features in Death Valley National Park in 2009

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Page Contact Information: GGSC Webmasters
Page Last Modified: 8/14/2009