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Joint USGS/Wesleyan University Long Island Sound Cruise

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The R/V Connecticut carried a team of scientists from the WHFC Coastal and Marine Program and Wesleyan University throughout Long Island Sound from November 8-11, 1999. Marilyn Buchholtz ten Brink, Ellen Mecray, Dann Blackwood, and Sunita Shah (WHFC) were joined by Johan Varekamp, Taras Gapotchenko, and Joshua Koch (Wesleyan) on a sediment and water-sampling cruise that returned to 33 stations in the Sound. Video was shot and grab samples were collected for characterization of sediment toxicity, chemical speciation experiments, and analysis of live benthic foraminifera.

Temperature, salinity, and dissolved-oxygen concentration were also determined in water samples. Other colleagues anxious to study their share of the collected mud are Scott Carr from BRD in Texas, Ellen Thomas at Wesleyan, Jim Latimer and colleagues at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Maureen Conte at WHOI, and Bill Fitzgerald at the University of Connecticut. Thanks to the expertise of Erin Galvin, Joe Newell, Ardis Greatorex, and Bob Barton, the gear and ship were right where they needed to be for our delightfully warm and sunny November cruise.

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Updated March 18, 2009 @ 04:23 PM (THF)