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In accordance with the Constitution, the Senate has responsibility for advice and consent to ratification of treaties with other nations that have been negotiated and agreed to by the Executive Branch. The following documents identify treaties received from the President, treaties on the Executive Calendar, treaties approved by the Senate, and listings of other recent treaty status actions, including treaties that were rejected by the Senate or withdrawn by the President, during the current Congress.

Treaties Received - This document identifies treaties received from the President during the current Congress as well as the committee referral actions taken.

Treaties Approved -This document identifies treaties that were approved by the Senate during the current Congress. Links that display the text of the treaty ratification resolutions are also provided.


Treaties Actions

Treaties Actions. This document identifies treaties that have had Senate floor status actions (other than simply actions pertaining to treaties received and referred) during the current Congress. The date and a brief description of each floor action is provided. The most recent floor action for each treaty is listed first, with additional actions listed in reverse chronological order.

Treaties Reported on the Executive Calendar

Treaties Reported. This document identifies treaties reported out by the Foreign Relations committee, placed on the Executive Calendar with a sequentially assigned calendar number, and that are ready for Senate floor consideration.



Learn more about the Senate's Treaty making powers.

State Department

Information about treaty actions that take place before the President submits a treaty to the Senate may be available from this site maintained by the Office of Treaty Affairs at the State Department.


Related Links

If you would like to learn more about treaties visit the Virtual Reference Desk's index page on Treaties.