About Native Child

Designed for children in Diné Schools and Preschools, Native Child’s goal is to affirm the Navajo child’s culture, language and identity in a positive way through a supportive curriculum that builds self confidence and a sense of belonging.

Native Child Updates

We have completely redesigned our site. The main focus now is bilingual Navajo curriculum material and resources. If you are familiar with our old site and are looking for native preschool curriculum material for other Nations, we still carry these items. You'll find the information in the Resource section. if you are a non-native teacher and are looking for Dos and Don'ts when teaching about Native Americans in the classroom, (or related reading material), you'll also find it in the resource section. Not all links are activated yet, please be patient, you'll be rewarded with an enhanced site that also will be easier to navigate.

New: Treaty of 1868

This book consists of primary source documents leading up to the treaty of 1868. The painful history unfolds through white men's eyes, taken from some previously unpublished firsthand accounts. The collection chronicles the Fearing Time (Kit Carson's scorched earth campaign), and contains military and eyewitness accounts of the Long Walk, forced internment at Fort Sumner, and the Journey Home. Also included are photos of the author's journey along the main route of the Long Walk.

Download The Catalog

Native Child Catalog

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Available in PDF format

New Publication

Chief Manuelito Poster

The Ramah Navahos
Robert W. Young & William Morgan

New Posters

Grinding Corn Poster
Traditional Activities
herding, shearing, sorting, cleaning, carding, dying, spinning, weaving