NOAA Fisheries
Southwest EEOAC
Promoting Equal Employment Throughout NOAA Fisheries

EEO Advisory Committee
Southwest Region
Sept. 4, 2002

Chairman Tim Price called the meeting to order at 1:45 p.m.

July minutes: The July minutes have not been distributed yet.

Officer reports:

Chairman’s report:

Price reported that the IDP workplan was approved by both Rod McInnis and Michael Tillman.

Natalie Huff sent several posters relating to Hispanic Awareness month (Sept. 15-Ocr. 15) to Tim Price. Price has requested more posters so there will be enough for each office. A suggestion was made that posters not have the year printed on them. That way the posters could be saved from year to year and re-used.

Price received a phone call from a potential applicant for the intern position which is available in Long Beach. Previous attempts to get a suitable employee have been unsuccessful.

Maria Harris suggested that the committee consider a workplan which would encourage Hispanics to apply for government jobs. Price reported that Maria Harris submitted to headquarters the Second Annual Report to the President on Hispanic Employment. Harris indicated that for the Federal government as a whole, Hispanics are the most under- represented minority group. She suggested that the committee consider a workplan which would encourage Hispanics to apply for Federal government positions.

Administrative SubCommittee:

Rob Bistodeau said that the list server for advertising vacancies is all ready to operate. They are waiting for the person from WASC to actually start using the service. Price said he would do what he could to get WASC moving on this project.

Program SubCommittee:

Marty Golden said that he would speak more about the IDP workplan when we spoke about old business.

Personnel SubCommittee:

Negative report.

Old Business:

The upcoming SACNAS meeting was discussed. Natalie Huff and others from headquarters will support the NOAA booth along with Craig Heberer from the Region. Carlos Garza and Mike Tillman will attend the conference. The latter is a featured speaker. Garza suggested that we have more of a Fisheries presence by providing volunteers to be mentors, be a big brother/sister, judge posters, participate in round table discussions with scientists etc. For registration information, check the SACNAS Website.

The IDP Guidance Document was discussed by the committee members in attendance. The feeling was that the entire committee had not had enough time to review the workplan. Golden will make a few suggested changes and will send the workplan out to the whole committee, giving members the deadline for getting comments back to him.

New Business:

The committee briefly discussed what would happen in December when several of the members will have served for over three years. Price encouraged members to read the section of the by-laws dealing with membership. We will discuss this in more detail at the next meeting.

Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be on Oct. 2.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m.

All information in the web page was approved by the SW EEOAC Executive Committee.
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