NOAA Fisheries
Southwest EEOAC
Promoting Equal Employment Throughout NOAA Fisheries

EEOAC Program Sub Committee
Southwest Region
March 25, 2002

Attendees: John Clancy, Marty Golden, Rosemary Troian and Tim Price Absent: Shella Merritt

Chairperson John Clancy opened the meeting at 2:05p.m.

The draft of the February 11, 2002 subcommittee minutes were approved and Troian will distribute minutes to the full committee.

Old business: Tim Price will draft memo a memo to Rod McInnis and Mike Tillman asking them to approve the Speakers’ Bureau and David Starr Jordan workplans. Price will first sent the draft memo to the full committee for comments.

The intern workplan is ongoing. Summer interns are exempt from the hiring freeze so the new intern will only work during the summer time.

With regard to training, Marty Golden brought up the concept of the IDP (Individual Development Plan). All employees can have an IDP which will help them in their career planning. Marty will send out hard copies of some documents to the subcommittee. Price asked Golden to rough out a workplan dealing with the IDP, keeping in mind the goals that the work plan is to achieve. We will continue this discussion at the next Program Subcommittee meeting.

Troian will report on the Programs subcommittee at the April 3 meeting of the full committee. Troian will also invite others, particularly personnel committee members to participate in our discussions.

The next meeting will be Monday, April 8 at 1:30. The meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m.

All information in the web page was approved by the SW EEOAC Executive Committee.
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