NOAA Fisheries
Southwest EEOAC
Promoting Equal Employment Throughout NOAA Fisheries

EEOAC Program Sub Committee
Southwest Region
uly 1, 2002

Attendees: John Clancy, Marty Golden, and Rosemary Troian. Absent: Shella Merritt.

Tim Price joined us.

Chairperson John Clancy opened the meeting at 2:35p.m.

Old Business: The subcommittee spent the hour discussing the latest version of the IDP workplan. Marty Golden will revise the workplan based on our discussions and will send the next version to the subcommittee for review. Tim suggested that all the sample IDP’s and other documentation be attached to the e-mail that Marty sends out. After the subcommittee approvesf a final version, the plan will be sent to the full committee. Our next full committee meeting is July 17.

When the time and date of the next subcommittee meeting are set, John will send us the call in numbers a few days in advance of the meeting

Meeting adjourned at 3:35 pm.

All information in the web page was approved by the SW EEOAC Executive Committee.
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