NOAA Fisheries
Southwest EEOAC
Promoting Equal Employment Throughout NOAA Fisheries


August 23, 2000

 Participants:  Al Coan (Chair), Nancy Lo, Debra Losey, Patricia Mason

Al Coan called the meeting to order in the small conference room, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, La Jolla California at 9:00 AM.  Patricia Mason participated via a conference call.  Al Coan noted that Jeffery Sampaga resigned from the Subcommittee.  The agenda (items I-III in this report) was approved and the subcommittee moved to discussions of the agenda items.

 I.  Discuss Web site:

Patricia Mason and Nancy Lo have posted 2 outreach efforts to the EEOAC web site.  Both experienced problems in finding the place to enter the data and suggest moving the two boxes at the bottom of the three columns to another column, either to the left or right of the other three.  The column could be labeled ASWR outreach efforts.@  Nancy also noted that a way to make changes to a posted entry is not available.  She also noted that she tried to use the email option to email Rob and that did not work (mail not deliverable).

 II.  Workplan Progress Reports:

 Intern Workplan:

Nancy Lo proposed that the internship program start in January FY2001 instead of this FY.  This would allow us to work with area high schools in identifying a candidate rather than selecting a college student.  FY 2001 funds would cover the program through September 30, and run by fiscal years thereafter.  The subcommittee concurred with her proposal.  Debbie Losey expressed some concern that the program be flexible enough to allow students to work during the school year if their schedules allowed, rather than just during breaks.  Nancy responded that the current plan would be flexible in that respect.

Nancy asked that the new Regional Director, Rebecca Lent, be filled in on the program and its status and asked if the SWR is still willing to continue supporting the effort.  

Outreach Workplan

Debra Losey reported that she found some Sea Grant slides and will be working on getting access to them as possible resources for SW Center and Region staff giving presentations at local schools or other functions.  She also presented her idea for a “careers in NOAA” game that she is developing.  Further details of the game will be presented later.

The subcommittee suggested that Debbie continue to pursue obtaining posters from SWR and SWC scientists and place these along with other posters/videos/etc. on the web site for staff to use in presentations to schools or other community functions.  Debbie will email the staff asking for posters and any videos.  She will also ask for volunteers to video tape or take digital pictures of dolphin or shark dissections or other scientific activities that could be used as resources for presentations.  

Awarding EEO Efforts Workplan

Al Coan noted that no award suggestions have been posted to date.  He also will be sending an email to SWC and SWR staff making them aware of the ability to suggest awards through the EEOAC web site.  The email will probably be included with the web site kick off planned for September 1.

III. Other Business:

Al Coan asked everyone to continue to think of other possible Workplans that the subcommittee could be involved in.

IV. Close

Al thanked everyone for participating.  The next Programs Subcommittee meeting will be held on September 27, 2000, at 9:00 AM.  The meeting closed at 9:45 AM.

All information in the web page was approved by the SW EEOAC Executive Committee.
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