NOAA Fisheries
Southwest EEOAC
Promoting Equal Employment Throughout NOAA Fisheries

EEOAC Program Sub Committee
Southwest Region
April 8, 2002

Attendees: John Clancy, Marty Golden, Rosemary Troian and Shella Merritt. Tim Price did not join us this time.

Chairperson John Clancy opened the meeting at 1:30p.m.

Rosemary Troian will circulate the March Programs subcommittee minutes.

Natalie Huff will be visiting both the Center and the Region the first week in June to give employees some training.

Old Business:

We continued discussion of the employee development plan. The Individual Development Plan (IDP) for Commerce employees is on the Commerce Website. Apparently, the IDP for supervisors is available in hard copy only.

Troian noted that Eleanor Domalaog told the EEOAC that she could obtain IDP samples from a place where she used to work.

An IDP is a document that is developed by an employee with the help of their supervisor. Although the IDP is optional, supervisors and employees would be encouraged to participate.

Employees often can use the IDP to show that they need certain training. Golden said he would check on the training budget.

Many supervisors as well as employees do not even know that such a thing as an IDP exists.

Rod McInnis’ approval will be sought before going any further with this workplan.

The next Programs Subcommittee meeting will be held May 6 at 1:30 pm.

All information in the web page was approved by the SW EEOAC Executive Committee.
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