NOAA Fisheries
Southwest EEOAC
Promoting Equal Employment Throughout NOAA Fisheries

EEO Advisory Committee

Southwest Region

Minutes: July 5, 2000

Chairman Tim Price called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m. after a quorum was achieved.

The Minutes for the meetings of June 7, 2000 were approved with the correction of announcement of the date for July’s meeting.

Chair Report

Tim said that there had been no response from the RA about reducing the size of the committee. Dr. Tillman has been on extended travel and Rod is waiting to discuss this issue with Mike.

Samples of the classroom handouts promoting NOAA have been received. Debbie Losey will check on the price of these handouts.

Tim attempted to recruit a student from California State University of Long Beach, a minority school, for a file clerk, but the student declined after selection.

Subcommittee Reports

Program subcommittee:

Al Coan reported on the program subcommittee meeting.

1. Rob Bistodeau met with the Program subcommittee in order to include a site on the Web for award suggestions..

2. The student intern paperwork has gone to Rod McInnis; Nancy Lo would like to have travel funds to go to the Region and meet with the intern’s potential supervisor. Lo would also like a committee of four panel members appointed to select the best intern.

3. The outreach program needs more materials. Debbie Losey contacted Roy Allen and he has only a very small amount of outreach materials. If we want to put scientific posters on the web, we would need to contact the poster authors.

Administrative subcommittee:

Rob Bistodeau was absent but the EEOAC agreed to review the Webpage and give comments to Rob. When the page is finalized it will have to be approved by Rod McInnis and Mike Tillman because the page will be accessible to the public.

Personnel subcommittee:

Beth Norton said that she had started a database of professors in an effort to expand the possible sources for reaching, informing, and recruiting under-represented groups for the SWR workforce.

Policy subcommittee:

No report.

A motion was made and passed that the future meetings start at 1:30. Therefore, the next meeting will be Wed. Aug. 2 at 1:30.

All information in the web page was approved by the SW EEOAC Executive Committee.
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