NOAA Fisheries
Southwest EEOAC
Promoting Equal Employment Throughout NOAA Fisheries

EEO Advisory Committee
Southwest Region
January 5, 2000

Chairman Tim Price called the meeting to order. There was only one typographical error in the December minutes and it was fixed.

Tim reported that he tried to call all the committees members who had not participated in any meetings to confirm their intentions.

Tim is waiting for about 10 MOU forms from members. Dr. Neal is holding some forms pending his discussion with Dr. Tillman.

The next item was subcommittee reports and there were no reports from the policy or personnel subcommittees. Rob Bistodeau reported that the administrative subcommittee had not made much progress on the website because he is still trying to finalize the membership of the committee and because Y2K activities took nearly 100% of his time in the last month.

The program subcommittee, chaired by Al Coan, sent 4 revised workplans to all the members of the EEOAC in advance of the meeting.

Committee members agreed to have all workplans finalized before the next meeting. In order to achieve this goal, it was agreed to have draft workplans sent by e_mail to each committee member by January 26 (one week in advance of the next meeting) for review. It was also agreed that each workplan will include a total dollar amount in its budget. Nancy Lo will prepare a draft budget for the workplans for FY2000 and distribute before the next meeting. At the February meeting, the committee will approve the workplans that will be presented to Rod McInnis under a cover memo for FY2000 funding."

The next meeting will be Wed. Feb. 2 at 1:00 and will be an audio call.


All information in the web page was approved by the SW EEOAC Executive Committee.
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This site was last updated Tuesday, November 22, 2005 11:34 AM