NOAA Fisheries
Southwest EEOAC
Promoting Equal Employment Throughout NOAA Fisheries

EEO Advisory Committee
Southwest Region
February 5, 2003

Attendance: Tim Price, Ani Au, Rosalie del Rosario, Marty Golden, Judith Kendig, Rosemary Troian, Lewis Van Fossen, Rick Wantuck. Maria Harris and John Clancy attended as advisors. Absent: Eleanor Domalaog, Carlos Garza, Maura Eagan and Todd Buchholz.

Chairman Tim Price called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m.

The January minutes were approved.

Officer reports:

Chairman’s report:

Time reported that some new EEOAC training materials have been received. Rosemary will make sure that copying is done and that each person on the committee will have their own copy.

Headquarters offered us sets of posters for events like Black History Week and each lab and location will get a set. Some sets will come to the EEOAC person at the location while others are being sent to Administrative Officers.

Tim sent everybody a copy of the Workplan template to be used when developing a new Workplan.

It was announced that Shella Merritt and Dawn Messersmith have resigned from the EEOAC. We still have 12 members and a quorum will be 6 members.

Administrative SubCommittee:

Ani Au is now alone on this subcommittee. She has acquired the Front Page software and soon will be ready to post things to the Web. Each member should check out the Web site and let Ani know if there is outdated information there or if there are new items to be posted.

Program SubCommittee:

Rosemary Troian is the new chairman of the Program Sub Committee. Marty Golden will be the Vice-Chair and Rick Wantuck will be the Secretary. John Clancy attended the Feb. 3 meeting and will put Scott Hill’s changes into the IDP document in the next couple of weeks and will distribute the new document to the Sub Committee. The document should be available to the full committee by the next meeting.

Personnel SubCommittee:

Lewis Von Fossen is the new Chairperson of this committee. They are working on a Wellness Program.

One thousand addresses have to be digitized in order to send information to universities, inviting them to subscribe to the listserver for vacancies. If each committee member took a portion of the names, the project would proceed quickly.

The subcommittee is also working on a list of questions which are appropriate to be used in interviews.

Old Business:

IDP Guidance Document (See Program Sub Committee section).

New Business:

Tim asked the committee members what their goals were for this year of service. Marty Golden wants to continue with the IDP effort. We will have to arrange training and may want to do a Power Pt. document to use in training. The training might be accomplished using the video equipment.

Tim thought it might be a good idea to do a nationwide call involving the chair persons of the other EEOACs.

Lewis likes to work with children and may think of some committee activities which would involve children.

Rosalie thought it might be good to establish some sort of informal way in which employees’ complaints could be logged.

Judy is interested in upward mobility.

Ani wants to receive award information for the EEOAC Web site. Tim received an award which now may be listed. Tim also said that an award is in order for the people who worked on the listserver project.

Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be on March 5 at 1:00. (Note time change)

The meeting was adjourned at 2:10 p.m.

All information in the web page was approved by the SW EEOAC Executive Committee.
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