NOAA Fisheries
Southwest EEOAC
Promoting Equal Employment Throughout NOAA Fisheries

EEOAC Minutes – December 1, 2004

Southwest Region

December 1, 2004

Attendees: Jeremy Rusin, Jessica Kondel, Laura Tezer, Rick Rogers, Jessica Matson and Rosemary Troian Absent: Nancy Fisher, Carlos Garza, Brian Cluer, Tim Price, Eleanor Domalaog, Rick Wantuck. Maria Harris was present as advisor.

Jeremy Rusin opened the meeting at 1:05p.m.


The minutes of the Nov. Meeting were approved.


Vice-chair Jeremy Rusin introduced our newest member of the committee – Jessica Matson from the Santa Cruz Laboratory. Jessica M. has a background in human resources and has been involved with EEO for a long time. She was a conference manager for SACNAS.


Administrative Subcommittee: Jessica Kondel and Jeremy held an informal phone conversation where they discussed the election procedure. The Administrative Subcommittee is in charge of elections.

Neither the Program nor the Personnel subcommittees met in November.


Jeremy sent out some information concerning the definitions of diversity and EEO. Maria and others thought that the NWS table was not a good reflection of the definitions. In particular, the words/concepts associated with "diversity" did not adequately reflect what diversity is all about. Jeremy described the process of reviewing the websites provided by Natalie Huff, Rosemary Troian and Stephan Leeb. After reviewing the information, Jeremy drafted a potential diversity mission statement for the EEOAC. In doing so, he realized that the EEOAC is already participating in activities related to diversity. Others on the call agreed. In general, the conclusion of the discussion was that the EEOAC does not need to change its bylaws to purse activities related to diversity. However, revisiting diversity definitions may provide the EEOAC with new workplan ideas. Jeremy will send out an e-mail soliciting people’s comments on the definitions.

Membership: Rosemary mentioned the names of Rod Miller, Stefan Leeb and Jerrold Norton as being possible members. Stefan subsequently said that he would only like to be an "associate" member. He would come to some of the meetings and use his EEO background to help the committee. Rod Miller is joining for sure and Jerrold Norton is still in discussions with his supervisor. Jeremy will send an email asking for the names of all new EEOAC members for approval before the January 2005 meeting.


There was a place holder in the agenda to discuss new workplans. At the November meeting, Carlos Garza indicated he would elaborate at a future meeting on ideas he mentioned in the November. No new workplans were discussed.


Jeremy reported that CDR Scott Hill gave a presentation to 3rd – 5th graders who are in the BLAST (Better Learning After School Today) program.

Maria Harris sat in on a meeting between Craig Heberer, Val Chambers, Prof.

Donald Buchanan from the Dept. of Oceanography/Geology at the San Bernardino

Valley College (a minority serving institution), and Steve Vogel, education

curator at the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium in San Pedro. Prof. Buchanan is

interested in partnering with the aquarium and NOAA in a program that would

encourage more students to enter the science field. He will be writing a grant

proposal to NOAA requesting funds. The proposal would be due to NOAA in Oct.


Jeremy and Jessica said that Sarah Dunsford, Science and Outreach Coordinator for the SWR, said she might sit in on EEOAC meetings and give an outreach report and suggestions on how the EEOAC might participate.

Jessica Matson will be the new poster contact person at Santa Cruz, rather than Carlos Garza. These posters come from the Office of Habitat Conservation and highlight Asian-Pacific month, Hispanic month and other important remembrances.

The next meeting will be Jan. 5 at 1:00 p.m.

The meeting adjourned at 1:45 p.m.



All information in the web page was approved by the SW EEOAC Executive Committee.
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