NOAA Fisheries
Southwest EEOAC
Promoting Equal Employment Throughout NOAA Fisheries

January 6, 2006

Southwest Region

Minutes: January 6, 2006

Attendees: Jeremy Rusin, Jeff McLain, Jessica Kondel, Jerry Norton, Rick Rogers, Stefan Leeb, Rosemary Troian, Tracy Snell, and Miki Hirano. Advisor: Maria Harris. Absent: Rick Wantuck, Rod Miller and Jessica Matson.

Outgoing Chairman Jeremy Rusin opened the meeting at 1:00p.m. and invited new members, Stefan Leeb, Tracy Snell, Miki Hirano and Rosemary Troian to introduce themselves and to tell the other committee members what they hoped to accomplish on the EEOAC this year. Stefan Leeb is an IT person at the La Jolla Lab. In previous private sector jobs, he was active in EEO. Tracy Snell is an administrative assistant at ERD in Pacific Grove. Tracy has worked for DOD and has served on the Disability Committee. Rosemary Troian, who is the Outreach Coordinator at the La Jolla Lab, previously served on the EEOAC and is interested in an intern workplan and a David Starr Jordan Open House workplan. Miki Hirano serves as Rod McInnis’ Assistant and is seeking supervisory approval for her membership on the EEOAC.

Then the existing members of the Committee introduced themselves.


The minutes of the Oct. and Nov. EEOAC meetings were approved as written, except for one typo in the Nov. minutes.


Chair: Jeremy had no formal report other than he was happy to have new members serving on the committee.


Program: Jeremy went on to describe how the Program Subcommittee works to develop and carry out workplans, which are in line with EEOAC goals. Any committee member can help with the execution of work plans.

Rosemary Troian volunteered to be the chair of the Program subcommittee and Stefan Leeb volunteered to be a member of the committee. Jeremy will send to the whole committee the list of who is on what subcommittee, so that it will be obvious to everyone where help is needed. The Program Subcommittee will meet on the second Wed. of every month, with the next meeting being on Jan. 11.

Administration: Jessica Kondel is the only person on the Administrative Subcommittee. She works on keeping the Web page up to date and consults with the Web Master who is located also in Long Beach. Maria said that there are new reporting requirements and she would welcome help from the Administrative Subcommittee. Jessica welcomes help on the subcommittee and meetings are held the last Thursday of each month at 10:00 am. Next meeting is scheduled for January 26.

Personnel: Jeff McLain and Rick Rogers have worked together on the Personnel Subcommittee and look forward to the completion of 2 work plans: Guidelines for Interview Questions and the List server workplan. The latter will be used to send out job announcements with a link to Quick Hire. The Personnel subcommittee meets on the second Thursday of each month at 1:00 p.m. Next meeting is scheduled for January 12.

Old Business:

a) List server – Jeff and the Personnel Sub. will continue to work on this workplan

b) IDP - We would like to offer this training again.

New Business:

Election of officers: Chair: Jessica Kondel (pending supervisory approval)

Vice Chair: Stefan Leeb (pending supervisory approval)

Secretary: Rosemary Troian

Vice Secretary : Miki Hirano (pending supervisory approval)

Draft Intern Workplan: Jerry Norton has been in contact with some talented Junior college and High school students who are interested in working at ERD. This would be a volunteer position. Norton would like to work with teachers to get the best possible candidates.

Announcements: Jeremy reminded new members to think of which subcommittee they would like to work on.

Next Meeting:

Our next meeting will be Wednesday, Feb. 1 at 1:00. Members should continue to hold the first Wed. of each month free so they can attend the meetings.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:00 p.m.


All information in the web page was approved by the SW EEOAC Executive Committee.
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