What is the Climate Friendly Parks program?
The Climate Friendly Parks (CFP) Program, a collaboration of the National Park Service and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, provides national parks with management tools and resources to address climate change. The program aims to provide national parks with comprehensive support to address climate change both within park boundaries and the surrounding community.

How does the Climate Friendly Parks program help National Parks with climate change issues?
The program has a three-pronged approach: 1) measure park-based greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, 2); develop sustainable strategies to mitigate these emissions and adapt to climate change impacts; and, 3) educate the public about these efforts.

What resources and support does the Climate Friendly Parks program provide?
  • Inventory Support - Our technical experts help guide your park through conducting a greenhouse gas emissions inventory using our National Park-tailored Microsoft Excel-based emission inventory tool.
  • Action Planning Support - Our technical experts help your park develop a park-specific climate Action Plan using our National Park-tailored Microsoft Excel-based action planning tool.
  • Education and Outreach Support - The CFP team and our regional partners help your park create outreach strategies, featuring Do Your Part! for Climate Friendly Parks, to promote your park's current climate change efforts and to educate visitors about their contributions to emissions reduction goals.

How can I participate in the Climate Friendly Parks program?
1. Submit a CFP Application that provides the CFP Team with baseline information about your park.

2. Use the CFP’s Climate Leadership in Parks (CLIP) Tool to develop an inventory of emissions generated within your park.

3. Complete an Action Plan using CFP’s Climate Leadership in Parks (CLIP) Tool to outline the emission reductions and economic benefits of your park’s climate-friendly actions.  The CFP program helps your park develop the best emissions mitigation strategies by encouraging discussion between park staff and stakeholders through on-site voluntary workshops and on-line trainings.

4.  Participate in Do Your Part! for Climate Friendly Parks,  a new on-line program that empowers visitors to reduce their  carbon emissions.

5. With CFP’s assistance, build the necessary relationships and support to implement your Action Plan.

6. Monitor your progress and report results with an annual questionnaire that feeds directly into the existing EMS structure on which your park is already required to report.

When will my park be considered a CFP Member Park?
Once an Action Plan has been finalized and signed by the park superintendent, your park is considered a CFP Member Park. At this point the CFP website will feature a page highlighting your previous climate friendly accomplishments, your inventory and your action plan.