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Project Status: Inactive

Project Status: Inactive

8 Apr 2009: Weather of any kind has exited the project area. Thanks for the reports! Winter has passed, so it's time to find hail for HaSDEx.

I want to volunteer!

Every PING counts...

NSSL wants central Oklahomans to be a part of a research project!

The Winter-Precipitation Identification Near the Ground project (W-PING) is looking for young, old, and in-between volunteers (teachers, classes and families too) to watch and report on precipitation. This is the third year of the W-PING project and we have had great success because of YOU!

150km radius around Norman, OK

W-PING volunteers can spend a little or a lot of time making observations. The basic idea is simple: NSSL will collect radar data during winter storm events within about 90 miles of Norman, OK. Because the radars cannot see close to the ground, we need YOU to tell us. Are snowflakes fallin’ on your head? Are you getting pinged by ice pellets? Tell us where you are and what is hitting the ground. We will compare your location report with what the radar has detected.

The report is easy. Click on the "I Want to Volunteer!" button (or the report form link to the left) to check it out. We only ask for the date, time, location, and precipitation type. If you would like to report temperature, wind speed and direction, we will take that too – but it is not required. There is no commitment, and no minimum amount of reports. We need as many observations as we can get!

The information that we receive from W-PING volunteers will support NSSL scientists in developing new radar technologies and techniques to determine what kind of precipitation—such as snow, ice, or rain—is falling at any given location.

Read more about it...