For Oct. 20, 1999

Dr. Richard Morgan is the interim chief of the Clinical Gene Therapy Branch of NHGRI.

Dr. Morgan earned his bachelor's degree in biochemistry at Brandeis University, and his doctorate in genetics at Johns Hopkins University, where he also completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Physiology.

Dr. Morgan first joined NIH in 1987, when he was an American Cancer Society Fellow in NHLBI's Molecular Hematology Branch. In 1993 he took his present position as head of the Gene Transfer Technology Section of the Clinical Gene Therapy Branch, and is currently serving as interim branch chief.

Dr. James Balow is clinical director of NIDDK.

Dr. Balow earned his medical degree at the University of Minnesota Medical School in Minneapolis. After a year's internship at the University of West Virginia Medical Center, Dr. Balow came to Washington, D.C., to do a year's residency in internal medicine and then a two-year fellowship in nephrology at Georgetown University Hospital.

He came to the NIH in 1972 as a clinical associate in the Laboratory of Clinical Investigation of NIAID. He has been with NIDDK since 1977, and has been clinical director for 10 years. He has also headed the kidney diseases section since 1984, and served 13 years as chief of the CC's Clinical Nephrology Service

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National Institutes of Health, Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center, Bethesda, Maryland 20892. Last modified 10/99