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Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is a monthly journal of peer-reviewed research and news on the impact of the environment on human health. EHP is published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and its content is free online. Print issues are available by paid subscription.DISCLAIMER
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Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 105, Number 1, January 1997
Environmental Health Perspectives January 1997 On The Cover:The cooling tower from Three Mile Island in the background of the pastoral farming scene illustrates a dichotomy in perception of radiation risks, as presented in the article on human cancer risk from potential exposure to radiation released at Three Mile Island.
Credit: UPI/Corbis-Bettmann

In This Issue

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Open Scientific Debate for Conflicts in Science
Michael P. Dieter
P. 10

Comments on "A Reevaluation of Cancer Incidence near the Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant" . . . Proposed PCB Congener Groupings for Epidemiological Studies . . . DDT/DDE and Infant Exposure . . . Lead in Drinking Water: A Preventive Solution . . . Calculation of Cancer Risk . . . Responsible Care and the Third World
P. 12

Principles for the Selection of Doses in Chronic Rodent Bioassays
Jeffery A. Foran and the ILSI Risk Science Working Group on Dose Selection
P. 18


Revisiting Three Mile Island . . . An Alternative to Methyl Bromide . . . Fran Squeezes the Life Out of NC Waters . . . NAS Says EMFs No Hazard . . . New Protein Kinase Inhibitors . . . Fungi Fighting Back . . . EHPnet: Taking Inventory of Toxics
P. 22

Prime Suspect . . . NIEHS in Rapid Pursuit of EMF Effects
P. 28

The Beauty of Biosolids
P. 32
Now That You Know
P. 38

Spheres of Influence
Off the Hook: What Olin Might Mean
P. 44

Tracking Toxicants
P. 48



A Reevaluation of Cancer Incidence Near the Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant: The Collision of Evidence and Assumptions
Steve Wing, David Richardson, Donna Armstrong, and Douglas Crawford-Brown
P. 52

Ozone Exposure Assessment in a Southern California Community
Lee-Jane Sally Liu, Ralph Delfino, and Petros Koutrakis
P. 58

Demographic Risk Factors Associated with Elevated Lead Levels in Texas Medicaid Children
Danna Kurtin, Bradford L. Therrell, Jr., Patti Patterson
P. 66

Relative Binding Affinity-Serum Modified Access (RBA-SMA) Assay Predicts the Relative In Vivo Bioactivity of the Xenoestrogens Bisphenol A and Octylphenol
Susan C. Nagel, Frederick S. vom Saal, Kristina A. Thayer, Minati G. Dhar, Michael Boechler, and Wade V. Welshons
P. 70

Metabolism of Hexachlorobenzene in Humans: Association between Serum Levels and Urinary Metabolites in a Highly Exposed Population
Jordi To-Figueras, Maria Sala, Raquel Otero, Carme Barrot, Mary Santiago-Silva, Miquel Rodamilans, Carme Herrero, Joan Grimalt, and Jordi Sunyer
P. 78

An Evaluation of Climate/Mortality Relationships in Large U.S. Cities and the Possible Impacts of a Climate Change
Laurence S. Kalkstein and J. Scott Greene
P. 84

The Effect of 60-Hz Magnetic Fields on Co-promotion of Chemically Induced Skin Tumors on SENCAR Mice: A Discussion of Three Studies
Jack R.N. McLean, Art Thansandote, David Lecuyer, and Michael Goddard
P. 94

Exposure Assessment for Workers Applying DDT to Control Malaria in Veracruz, Mexico
Lilia Rivero-Rodriguez, Victor Hugo Borja-Aburto, Carlos Santos-Burgoa, Stefan Waliszewskiy, Camilo Rios, Veronica Cruz
P. 98

Reproductive Toxicity of Di-n-butylphthalate in a Continuous Breeding Protocol in Sprague-Dawley Rats
Robert N. Wine, Ling-Hong Li, Leta Hommel Barnes, Dushyant K. Gulati, and Robert E. Chapin
P. 102

Meeting Report

Disinfection By-products in Drinking Water: Critical Issues in Health Effects Research
John Fawell, Denise Robinson, Richard Bull, Linda Birnbaum, Gary Boorman, Byron Butterworth, Phillippe Daniel, Hend Galal-Gorchev, Fred Hauchman, Päivi Julkunen, Curtis Klaassen, Stuart Krasner, Jennifer Orme-Zavaleta, John Reif, and Robert Tardiff
P. 108
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