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Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is a monthly journal of peer-reviewed research and news on the impact of the environment on human health. EHP is published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and its content is free online. Print issues are available by paid subscription.DISCLAIMER
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Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 97, 1992
Environmental Health Perspectives  1992 Particle Clearance by Alveolar Macrophages

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Mechanisms, measurement, and significance of lung macrophage function
p. 5
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Recovery of rat alveolar macrophages by bronchoalveolar lavage under normal and activated conditions
Rehn-B; Bruch-J; Zou-T; Hobusch-G
p. 11
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Pulmonary and thoracic macrophage subpopulations and clearance of particles from the lung
p. 17
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Transport of particles of colloidal gold within and from rat lung after local deposition by alveolar microinjection
Patrick-G; Stirling-C
p. 47
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Heterogeneity of alveolar macrophages in experimental silicosis
Hildemann-S; Hammer-C; Krombach-F
p. 53
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Overview of pulmonary alveolar macrophage renewal in normal rats and during different pathological processes
Fritsch-P; Masse-R
p. 59
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Alveolar macrophage kinetics after inhalation of 239PuO2 by CBA/Ca mice: changes in synthesis of DNA
Kellington-JP; Gibson-K; Buckle-TM; Talbot-RJ; Hornby-SB
p. 69
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Modulation of eicosanoid production by human alveolar macrophages exposed to silica in vitro
Koren-HS; Joyce-M; Devlin-RB; Becker-S; Driscoll-K; Madden-MC
p. 77
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Secretory and accessory cell functions of the alveolar macrophage
Miller-K; Hudspith-BN; Meredith-C
p. 85
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Persistent inflammation and impaired chemotaxis of alveolar macrophages on cessation of dust exposure
Brown-GM; Brown-DM; Donaldson-K
p. 91
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Effects of ozone exposure on lipid metabolism in human alveolar macrophages
Friedman-M; Madden-MC; Samet-JM; Koren-HS
p. 95
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Decreased sialidase activity in alveolar macrophages of guinea pigs exposed to coal mine dust
Terzidis-Trabelsi-H; Lefevre-JP; Bignon-J; Lambre-CR
p. 103
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Factors affecting the in vitro dissolution of cobalt oxide
Collier-CG; Pearce-MJ; Hodgson A; Ball A
p. 109
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Intraphagolysosomal pH in canine and rat alveolar macrophages: flow cytometric measurements
Heilmann-P; Beisker-W; Miaskowski-U; Camner-P; Kreyling-WG
p. 115
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Intracellular particle dissolution in alveolar macrophages
p. 121
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In vitro dissolution of uranium oxide by baboon alveolar macrophages
Poncy-JL; Metivier-H; Dhilly-M; Verry-M; Masse-R
p. 127
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In vitro dissolution of curium oxide using a phagolysosomal simulant solvent system
Helfinstine-SY; Guilmette-RA; Schlapper-GA
p. 131
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In vitro chemical and cellular tests applied to uranium trioxide with different hydration states
Ansoborlo-E; Chalabreysse-J; Henge-Napoli-MH; Pujol-E
p. 139
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Role of alveolar macrophages in precipitation of mineral elements inhaled as soluble aerosols
Galle-P; Berry-JP; Galle-C
p. 145
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Phagolysosomal pH in alveolar macrophages
Nyberg-K; Johansson-U; Johansson A; Camner-P
p. 149
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Phagolysosomal pH and dissolution of cobalt oxide particles by alveolar macrophages
Lundborg-M; Falk-R; Johansson A; Kreyling-W; Camner-P
p. 153
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Effects of instilled fibrogenic particles on the clonal growth of murine pulmonary alveolar macrophages
Oghiso-Y; Yamada-Y; Shibata-Y
p. 159
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The effect of gamma-irradiation on the adherent capacity and iron metabolism of alveolar macrophages in mice and rats
Kubota-Y; Sato-H; Takahashi-S
p. 163
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Effect of 60Co gamma-irradiation on the nonspecific cytotoxicity of alveolar macrophages in vitro
Gong-Y; Hu-L; Wu-D
p. 167
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Activity testing of alveolar macrophages and changes in surfactant phospholipids after irradiation in bronchoalveolar lavage: experimental and clinical data
Steinberg-F; Rehn-B; Kraus-R; Quabeck-K; Bruch-J; Beelen-DW; Schaefer-UW; Streffer-C
p. 171
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Effects of inhaled alpha-emitting actinides on mouse alveolar macrophages
Morgan A; Talbot-RJ
p. 177
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Reaction of alveolar macrophages to inhaled metal aerosols
Camner-P; Johansson A
p. 185
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Irreversible pulmonary changes induced in rat lung by dust overload
Bellmann-B; Muhle-H; Creutzenberg-O; Mermelstein-R
p. 189
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Role of the alveolar macrophage in lung injury: studies with ultrafine particles
Oberdorster-G; Ferin-J; Gelein-R; Soderholm-SC; Finkelstein-J
p. 193
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Dosimetric implications of pulmonary macrophage clusters observed within lungs of rats that have inhaled enriched UO2 particles
Morris-KJ; Barker-CL; Batchelor AL; Khanna-P
p. 201
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Effect of bronchopulmonary lavage on lung retention and clearance of particulate material in hamsters
Ellender-M; Hodgson A; Wood-KL; Moody-JC
p. 209
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Alveolar macrophages and lung lesions after combined exposure to nickel, cobalt, and trivalent chromium
Johansson A; Curstedt-T; Jarstrand-C; Camner-P
p. 215
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Epithelial and extracellular matrix injury in quartz-inflamed lung: role of the alveolar macrophage
Donaldson-K; Brown-GM; Brown-DM; Slight-J; Li-XY
p. 221
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Influence of surfactant components and exposure geometry on the effects of quartz and asbestos on alveolar macrophages
Schimmelpfeng-J; Drosselmeyer-E; Hofheinz-V; Seidel A
p. 225
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Radiation enhances silica translocation to the pulmonary interstitium and increases fibrosis in mice
p. 233
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Sequential respiratory, psychologic, and immunologic studies in relation to methyl isocyanate exposure over two years with model development
Kamat-SR; Patel-MH; Pradhan-PV; Taskar-SP; Vaidya-PR; Kolhatkar-VP; Gopalani-JP; Chandarana-JP; Dalal-N; Naik-M
p. 241
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Nonrandom distribution of breakpoints in the karyotypes of workers occupationally exposed to benzene
p. 255
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Cancer risks from arsenic in drinking water
Smith AH; Hopenhayn-Rich-C; Bates-MN; Goeden-HM; Hertz-Picciotto-I; Duggan-HM; Wood-R; Kosnett-MJ; Smith-MT
p. 259
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Agricultural chemical utilization and human health
Mushak-EW; Piver-WT
p. 269
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Nuclear testing and public health [letter]
p. 275
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Cage allocation designs for rodent carcinogenicity experiments [corrected and republished article originally printed in 1991 Dec;96: 199-202]
Herzberg AM; Lagakos-SW
p. 277
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