Three generations of participants.
The dedication of our thousands of participants has made, and continues to make, our rigorous epidemiologic research possible.
In 1948, the Framingham Heart Study embarked on an ambitious project in health research to identify the common factors that contribute to cardiovascular disease by following its development over a long period of time in a large group of participants. >>
Philip Wolf, MD, Principal Investigator, and Dan Levy, MD, Director, with the staff of the Framingham Heart Study.
THE SABRe in CVD Initiative
(Systems Approach to Biomarker Research in Cardiovascular Disease)
For decades, Framingham Heart Study (FHS) participants have generously donated blood samples for research. Hundreds of articles have been published based on analyses of these samples. We store remaining specimens in freezers for future projects. Meanwhile, laboratory techniques have improved, so very small amounts of specimen are enough for a large variety of measurements. In his letter to you, FHS Director, Dr. Daniel Levy, describes the SABRe CVD Initiative.
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