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U.N. urges Iraq to rethink renewal of death penalty
By Tim Cocks
May 6, 2009
BAGHDAD, May 6 (Reuters) - Three days after a dozen convicts were hanged in Baghdad, the United Nations urged Iraq on Wednesday to reconsider its resumption of the death penalty, saying 115 prisoners on death row may not have had fair trials. A U.N. official, who declined to be named, told Reuters Sunday's executions were thought to be the first for about 18 months, although he acknowledged their may have been a few carried out during that time that were not made public...


U.N. revises refugee guidelines to show Iraq safer
By Laura MacInnis
Published in the Washington Post
Tuesday, May 5, 2009; 9:43 AM
GENEVA (Reuters) - Violence in Iraq has waned enough for the United Nations to stop recommending that most Iraqis get automatic refugee status abroad, the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees said on Tuesday. Some of the 1.5 million Iraqis living outside their country, which descended into sectarianism after U.S.-led forces invaded in 2003, should now be able to return safely, UNHCR spokesman Ron Redmond said...



March 2009


IF Celebrates International Women's Day


IF Hold Graduation Ceremony for Iraqi Widows Baghdad


IF Holds Coalition Building Meeting and Advocacy Workshop in Erbil


IF Recruits for the Mdaina Education Project


IF In the Media


IF Publishes 3rd Human Rights Newsletter

February 2009


IF Launches Mdaina Education Project


IF Disseminates Human Rights Posters


IF Holds NGO Capacity Building Workshop in Sulaimaniya


IF Staff Meets to Support Iraqi Widows in Baghdad and Basra


IF Publishes 2nd Human Rights Newsletter



January 2009


IF Launches Literacy Training Project in Mdaina, Iraq


IF Awards Small Grants to Iraqi NGOs


IF Launches Human Rights Billboard Media Campaign


IF Continues Training Iraqi Widows in Baghdad and Basra






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