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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

USGS/WRD Monitoring Station

14243000 - Cowlitz River at Castle Rock, WA

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Historical Graphics of Interest

Graphic, 1996 flood, click to enlarge [Graphic,13K,GIF]
Flood of February 1996 -- stage adjusted to feet above sea level (NAVD88) ... (Info)

Graphic, 1995 flood, click to enlarge [Graphic,13K,GIF]
Flood of November-December 1995 -- stage adjusted to feet above sea level (NAVD88) ... (Info)

Station Information

Latitude (degrees, minutes, and seconds) ......  461630 
Longitude (degrees, minutes, and seconds) .....  1225448
State Code ....................................  53
County Code ...................................  015
County Name ...................................  Cowlitz
Basin Name ....................................  Lower Cowlitz
Hydrologic Unit Code ..........................  17080005  
Drainage Area (square miles) ..................  2238.00*
Gage Datum (feet, NAVD of 1988) ...............	 0.0**   

Location ...................... SW/SE Sec.10, T.9 N, R.2 W,
				on left bank 40 ft downstream
				from Arkansas Valley Road bridge
				in Castle Rock, 2.7 mi downstream
				from Toutle River, and at mile 17.3.

----Period(s) of Record----
December 1926 to September 1985
October 1985 to current year (seasonal records)
Surface-Water Quality  (temperature, sediment): 1950-73, 1980-85

   * Approximately 21 sq.mi. is noncontributing.
     Prior to July 7, 1981, approximately 40 sq.mi. was noncontributing

  ** Gage Datum previously published as "20.20 feet above sea level"
     using NGVD of 1929

Site History and Remarks

Prior to December 18, 1933:
nonrecording gage at site 2 mi upstream at datum 14.93 ft higher. (WA-97-1) -- (Web Note: datum 35.13 ft)

December 18, 1933, to June 13, 1934:
nonrecording gage, at present site at datum 5.0 ft higher. (WA-97-1) -- (Web Note: datum 25.20 ft)

June 14 to September 30, 1934:
water-stage recorder, at present site at datum 5.0 ft higher. (WA-97-1) -- (Web Note: datum 25.20 ft)

October 1, 1934, to May 21, 1980:
water-stage recorder, on right bank at present site and datum 20.20 feet. (WA-97-1)

May 1980 to July 29, 1997:
water-stage recorder, at present site and on left bank at 20.20 datum. (WA-97-1)

July 29, 1997: gage datum referenced from NVGD of 1929 (20.20) to 0.0 using NAVD of 1988, also adjusted by approximately 3.5 feet (personal commun., USGS/CVO, 1998)

Reach Description

The channel width remains uniform 1,000 ft above and below the bridge cross-section. The stream has a sand bed. (Dinehart,1987)

Location Map

Location Map
-- base map courtesy USGS Mapping Information Server

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11/08/06, Lyn Topinka