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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

USGS/WRD/CVO Monitoring Station

14240350 - Coldwater Lake near Spirit Lake, WA

Station Information

Latitude (degrees, minutes, and seconds) ......  461724 
Longitude (degrees, minutes, and seconds) .....  1221554
State Code ....................................  53
County Code ...................................  015
County Name ...................................  Cowlitz
Basin Name ....................................  Lower Cowlitz
Hydrologic Unit Code ..........................  17080005
Drainage Area (square miles) ..................  
Gage Datum (feet, above sea level) ............  

Location ...................... NW/SE Sec.2, T.9 N, R.4 E,
				Gage house is wooden shelter 6x6x7 ft.

Site History and Remarks

Dinehart (1981): listed 1980 site lat/long as 461735/1221535

Uhrich (1990): incorrectly listed as station 14240305 on Table 9, listed correctly on Table 10.

September 1998: site discontinued

Location Map

Location Map
-- base map courtesy USGS Mapping Information Server

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11/08/00, Lyn Topinka