Publications References to our publications in science journals are available through AOML Publications Search Engine. The following AOML CO2 technical memorandums and data reports are available in Adobe Acrobat format. Lueger et al, The Sea-Air CO2 Flux in the North Atlantic Estimated from Satellite and Argo Profiling Float Data. NOAA Technical Memorandum, OAR AOML-96, 28 pp. 2008 AOML-24: Hydrographic, Carbon Dioxide, Nutrient, and Productivity Measurements from the South Atlantic During July and August of 1991 AOML-27: Chemical and Hydrographic Measurements from the Equatorial Pacific During Boreal Spring 1992 AOML-30: Measurements of Underway fCO2 in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific on NOAA Ships Malcolm Baldridge and Discoverer from February to September, 1994 AOML-31: Continuous Air and Surface Seawater Measurements of fCO2 On Board The NOAA Ship Malcolm Baldrige Around-The-World Cruise During 1995 AOML-32: Chemical and Hydrographic Profiles and Underway Measurements from the Eastern North Atlantic During July and August of 1993 AOML-34: Chemical and Hydrographic Measurements During the Indian Ocean I8 Repeat Cruise (IR8N) in September and October, 1995 AOML-41: Chemical and Hydrographic Measurements on a Climate and Global Change Cruise along 24°N in the Atlantic Ocean WOCE section A5R(epeat) during January-February 1998 AOML-85: Measurement of Fugacity of Carbon Dioxide in Seawater: An Evaluation of a Method Based on Infrared Analysis
References to our publications in science journals are available through AOML Publications Search Engine.
The following AOML CO2 technical memorandums and data reports are available in Adobe Acrobat format.