1997 Nonemployer Statistics
Retail Trade

Includes only firms subject to federal income tax. Nonemployers are businesses with no paid employees. Introductory text includes scope and methodology. More detail is available for employers. For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table.
Description All taxable firms Nonemployers Employers
44-45 Retail trade 7,697 4,655,020 4,758 124,483 2,939 4,530,537
441 Motor vehicle & parts dealers 621 1,179,153 254 24,608 367 1,154,545
4411 Automobile dealers 255 961,690 127 16,731 128 944,959
44112 Used car dealers 172 63,042 127 16,731 45 46,311
4412 Other motor vehicle dealers 124 71,375 68 4,330 56 67,045
44121 Recreational vehicle dealers 29 25,029 14 1,353 15 23,676
44122 Motorcycle, boat, & other motor vehicle dealers 95 46,346 54 2,977 41 43,369
441221 Motorcycle dealers N N D D 18 17,685
441222 Boat dealers N N D D 6 7,611
441229 All other motor vehicle dealers 57 20,896 40 2,823 17 18,073
4413 Automotive parts, accessories, & tire stores 242 146,088 59 3,547 183 142,541
442 Furniture & home furnishings stores 221 92,272 76 5,707 145 86,565
4421 Furniture stores 78 49,035 22 2,445 56 46,590
4422 Home furnishings stores 143 43,237 54 3,262 89 39,975
443 Electronics & appliance stores 180 83,587 73 5,423 107 78,164
44311 Appliance, television, & other electronics stores 103 41,455 31 1,470 72 39,985
443111 Household appliance stores 34 15,102 12 752 22 14,350
443112 Radio, television, & other electronics stores 69 26,353 19 718 50 25,635
44312 Computer & software stores 66 40,081 35 3,381 31 36,700
44313 Camera & photographic supplies stores 11 2,051 7 572 4 1,479
444 Building material & garden equipment & supplies dealers 354 388,995 67 3,615 287 385,380
4441 Building material & supplies dealers N N D D 227 314,101
44411 Home centers N N D D 4 23,643
44412 Paint & wallpaper stores N N D D 20 11,159
44413 Hardware stores N N D D 62 56,819
44419 Other building material dealers 165 224,148 24 1,668 141 222,480
4442 Lawn & garden equipment & supplies stores N N D D 60 71,279
445 Food & beverage stores 426 761,752 139 5,725 287 756,027
4451 Grocery stores 174 686,684 36 1,716 138 684,968
4452 Specialty food stores N N D D 29 4,429
44521 Meat markets N N D D N N
44522 Fish & seafood markets N N D D N N
44523 Fruit & vegetable markets N N 19 284 N N
44529 Other specialty food stores N N 58 1,680 N N
4453 Beer, wine, & liquor stores N N D D 120 66,630
446 Health & personal care stores 338 89,869 216 2,914 122 86,955
44611 Pharmacies & drug stores N N D D 69 70,981
44612 Cosmetics, beauty supplies, & perfume stores 138 4,650 130 1,070 8 3,580
44613 Optical goods stores N N D D 22 4,792
44619 Other health & personal care stores 100 9,130 77 1,528 23 7,602
447 Gasoline stations 474 732,057 28 3,720 446 728,337
448 Clothing & clothing accessories stores 498 156,159 173 5,335 325 150,824
4481 Clothing stores 340 110,907 130 3,503 210 107,404
44811 Men's clothing stores N N D D 14 10,347
44812 Women's clothing stores 102 28,410 24 705 78 27,705
44813 Children's & infants' clothing stores N N D D 4 D
44814 Family clothing stores 108 58,758 27 840 81 57,918
44815 Clothing accessories stores 20 N 15 330 5 D
44819 Other clothing stores 84 11,605 56 1,420 28 10,185
4482 Shoe stores N N D D 51 18,458
4483 Jewelry, luggage, & leather goods stores N N D D 64 24,962
44831 Jewelry stores N N D D 62 D
44832 Luggage & leather goods stores N N D D 2 D
451 Sporting goods, hobby, book, & music stores 635 105,865 369 9,084 266 96,781
45111 Sporting goods stores 279 61,261 149 4,485 130 56,776
45112 Hobby, toy, & game stores 90 7,270 60 1,217 30 6,053
45113 Sewing, needlework, & piece goods stores 80 4,137 53 718 27 3,419
45114 Musical instrument & supplies stores 36 5,184 22 590 14 4,594
4512 Book, periodical, & music stores 150 28,013 85 2,074 65 25,939
45121 Book stores & news dealers 126 17,752 76 1,898 50 15,854
451211 Book stores 88 N 40 1,057 48 D
451212 News dealers & newsstands 38 N 36 841 2 D
45122 Prerecorded tape, compact disc, & record stores 24 10,261 9 176 15 10,085
452 General merchandise stores 129 665,719 38 1,518 91 664,201
453 Miscellaneous store retailers 1,317 183,065 943 26,936 374 156,129
4531 Florists 97 12,822 27 604 70 12,218
4532 Office supplies, stationery, & gift stores 334 54,916 202 3,979 132 50,937
45321 Office supplies & stationery stores 33 22,190 9 299 24 21,891
45322 Gift, novelty, & souvenir stores 301 32,726 193 3,680 108 29,046
4533 Used merchandise stores 211 11,114 169 4,388 42 6,726
4539 Other miscellaneous store retailers 675 104,213 545 17,965 130 86,248
45391 Pet & pet supplies stores 50 3,981 38 1,040 12 2,941
45392 Art dealers 76 22,636 36 1,378 40 21,258
45393 Manufactured (mobile) home dealers 34 38,926 16 691 18 38,235
45399 All other miscellaneous store retailers 515 38,670 455 14,856 60 23,814
454 Nonstore retailers 2,504 216,527 2,382 29,898 122 186,629
4541 Electronic shopping & mail-order houses 155 104,062 126 1,773 29 102,289
4542 Vending machine operators 125 4,835 113 1,576 12 3,259
4543 Direct selling establishments 2,224 107,630 2,143 26,549 81 81,081
45431 Fuel dealers N N D D 43 55,835
45439 Other direct selling establishments N N D D 38 25,246
D Withheld to avoid disclosure;   N Not available; S Withheld because data do not meet publication standards;   W Wholesale receipts for nonemployers are not comparable to wholesale sales for employers;   X Industry not in scope of Economic Census for employers;   t Total does not include employer data for out-of-scope industries;   r revised subsequent to initial publication

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Source: 1997 Economic Census:   Nonemployer Statistics and Geographic Area Series (for employers)

Last modified: 1/17/02   Questions?