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                            THE WHITE HOUSE

                     Office of the Press Secretary


For Immediate Release                                       July 5, 2000

                           PRESS BRIEFING BY

                              JOE LOCKHART

                 The James S. Brady Press Briefing Room

12:05 P.M. EDT

          MR. LOCKHART:  I don't have any announcements, so we'll get

right to your questions, if any.

          Q    Joe, what are the coverage arrangements for next week?

          MR. LOCKHART:  We haven't had a chance to really work that

out, but I expect them to follow probably pretty closely what we did at

Wye, which is, we'll try to find a place in the vicinity where the pool

can be nearby and available if necessary.  But I wouldn't expect that

you will see a lot of the leaders or hear a lot from them once they've

started their discussions.

          Q    How important is this to the President, personally, to

his legacy, to overuse the term?

          MR. LOCKHART:  It is an overused word, and I think there has

been quite a misconception about the timing of this having something to

do with the President's time left in office.  The timetable for these

discussions, these negotiations, have been set by the parties.  They

want to get this done in a way that I think, as the President has

indicated and the leaders have indicated, between now and the September

time frame that they, themselves, set.

          I think the President believes we have a real opportunity

here.  We have been working, and he has been working very hard over the

last seven years to try to bring us to a point where we could reach an

agreement, and it's certainly his hope that we can get that done.

          But it has everything to do with the benefits that we'll

derive throughout the region to a peace agreement.  I have been around

him a lot, particularly in the context of these discussions, and I've

never heard a discussion about the impact on him, personally, either

from his advisors or from him.

          Q    So you don't think he has that in mind at all?

          MR. LOCKHART:  I think what he has in mind is this is an

important accomplishment for the Middle East if it can get done, and

that's what his focus is.

          Q    Has there been any attempt, or will there be, to reach

out to Republicans, in particular George W. Bush, to be in some support

of this operation?  Because obviously, the new administration, either

Gore or Bush, is going to have to fulfill a lot of the terms, if indeed

this is successful, the financial obligations and so forth.

          MR. LOCKHART:  I think on the financial, to the extent that

our support is necessary to move forward, the President will consult

closely with Congress and congressional leaders.  He's done that over

the last seven years so I expect it to continue.

          As far as consulting with Governor Bush, I think we probably

would be getting a little ahead of ourselves on a number of fronts

there, so I don't expect that to happen.

          Q    Joe, do you expect the leaders to go straight out to Camp

David, or will they come to the White House before all of them go --

          MR. LOCKHART:  I don't, at this point, expect them to come

here.  When and how they will get to Camp David I'm not certain of yet

as far as their arrivals.  I don't know that they are arriving precisely

at the same time.  But I expect at this point -- and obviously we'll let

you know if that changes, that will begin Tuesday out at Camp David.

          Q    Joe, he said that he thought that within several days,

they would know whether or not they would be able to reach an agreement.

Do you envision that this process will take a week, or --

          MR. LOCKHART:  I don't know how to put a timetable on it, only

to reiterate that the President has an important trip to the G-8 in

Okinawa that I believe begins on the 19th or the 20th, so it's sometime

in that time frame.

          MR. CROWLEY:  He leaves the 19th.

          MR. LOCKHART:  Yes, I think the President was saying -- I

think he was using several days. I don't know that within a day or two

it will be known where this process is going, but we do have a window,

as the previous briefer made clear, that we're working in and it's

obliviously extraordinarily difficult issues that the parties need to

work through and come to agreement on.

          But as the previous people who have been in this room have

indicated, there was a logic to going forward.

          Q    Joe, has the President made any contact with any other

world leaders to ask them if they would make themselves available for

this process, whether it's Syria or Jordan or Lebanon -- talk about

refugees, or whether it's Europe to talk about other aid to the region?

          MR. LOCKHART:  I don't know that the President has talked to

anyone at this point with the exception of the leaders that are

personally involved.  I know the Secretary has made some calls and I

expect that we will touch all interested parties letting them know about

what we're embarking on here.

          Q    So you wouldn't expect anyone else be called to be called

to --

          MR. LOCKHART:  I don't want to rule it out, but I am not aware

that he's got any calls that he plans now.

          Q     Joe, is there any thinking about what type of money we

may be talking about and for what purposes the money may be used --

money that you would have to get the Congress to sort of secure this


          MR. LOCKHART:  Again, I think that's a little bit ahead of

where we are in the process now.  I know the President -- in the past,

we have found a way to participate in this process through providing

help in the region.  I think the President -- if that helps move that

process forward, would be open to that, but clearly it's an issue he

will need to consult closely with Congress on and he will when it's


          Q    Joe, can I ask you about Mexico?  President-elect Fox

held a very extensive press conference yesterday with the foreign media.

          MR. LOCKHART:  It was almost Clinton-like, wasn't it?

          Q    Right.  I think he beat the President by a few minutes.

          MR. LOCKHART:  Yes.  You shouldn't have said that.  You will

pay for that, Jacobo.  (Laughter.)  As will we.  (Laughter.)

          Q    But, anyway, he touched on a lot of important subjects

and the President said he wants a very special relationship with Mexico.

Fox mentioned things like he would like to open the United States-Mexico

border to a less restrictive flow of immigrants, and although he would

like to create a North American common market, European-style, where

goods and workers can freely travel between the countries, meaning the

U.S., Canada; is this something the American administration would


          MR. LOCKHART:  I think as the President said today, he reached

out to the President-elect earlier this week, and invited him to come up

when he felt it was the best time for him for discussions.  Many of

these ideas, though, will be something that he will work with, with a

future administration.  But I think both sides acknowledge how important

and how special the relationship is.

          So as far as some of the specific ideas that he's put out

there, although they're quite general, I think we'll wait until he has a

chance to formulate them in more detail and has a chance to come and

talk to the President.

          Q    Mr. Norman Mineta's appointment as Secretary of Commerce

by the President.  Do you think -- how speedy will be the confirmation

in the Senate?  And if the President is going to take personal lobbying

or interest -- and because not much time.

          MR. LOCKHART:  I think Mr. Mineta has strong support on

Capitol Hill.  I think his distinguished career earned him the support

of Republicans and Democrats alike.  I know -- I believe he's already

met with Senator McCain.  I think that was scheduled for last week.  And

Senator McCain has said that he wants to move this forward in a very

expeditious way.  So it's certainly our hope that this can be done in an

expeditious way and he can start in what is a very important job.

          I think as he said in his Oval Office announcement, that a lot

can be done in the next six months.  Six months is a lifetime in the new

digital information age.  I think he has a lot to offer, and I think the

reports from Capitol Hill early on have been very encouraging, and the

committee has moved in a way that indicates that they want to be

expeditious in this process.

          Q    I just wondered whether the Asian communities in this

country are really thanking and applauding the President's announcement

on this issue.  And is there hope in the future for the administration

will work with the Asian communities?

          MR. LOCKHART:  I think the President made very clear what a

success story Norman Mineta is from many different fronts and what a

great secretary of commerce he will be, and we're looking forward to

that day.

          Q    Joe, while the President is going to be devoting pretty

much full time in the next weeks or however many days it takes in the

Mideast peace process, the Irish peace process is also running into some

rocky times.  Apparently, there has been some conflict there the past

couple of days.

          Has he got anybody making overtures to the leaders in Ireland,

trying to bring that process back?

          MR. LOCKHART:  Yes, I think the violence over the last few

days has been condemned from most quarters.  And I expect that we will

remain engaged and continue to be engaged on a number of levels here,

and the President will be engaged as appropriate.

          Q    Joe, there were some things on the President's schedule

for next week.  Have you wiped everything off, all of the --

          MR. LOCKHART:  We're in the process of redoing the President's

schedule for next week.  Obviously, he can't meet all the commitments

that he has made.  That process is ongoing.  I expect that a number of

events will be cancelled.  I expect a number of events will be postponed

and that there is the possibility that a couple of them will try to find

a way to come back and fulfill the commitment in a way that doesn't

adversely affect the negotiations.

          Q    That was my question.  Will he exclusively deal with the

Middle East next week and everything else is pushed aside?

          MR. LOCKHART:  No, listen, I don't think the President -- any

President of the United States has the luxury to exclusively deal with

one issue.  He has responsibilities that are quite broad and he will

continue to fulfill those obligations.

          Q    He mentioned actually, the Congress, which of course, as

he mentioned, is coming back next week.  Before they went out for the

July recess, they passed the emergency spending bill that Republicans

added a rider about environment.  Does he have any concerns about that,

and is it enough that he might veto it?

          MR. LOCKHART:  We're looking at some administrative options to

deal with the anti-environmental rider that was attached to the

appropriations bill, and when we have that sorted out, we'll let you


          Q    So basically, if you think you might be able to do it

administratively to prevent it, you would sign it?  But is there a

chance he might veto it?

          MR. LOCKHART:  I think we're exploring administrative options.

We think we're going to be able to work our way through this in a way

that signs the bill that meets our commitments for specific things like

disaster relief and antidrug trafficking money for Colombia, which is

very important.

          Q    Joe, can I ask you a couple more questions about what Mr.

Fox has said?  He would like to turn the drug certification program from

a unilateral way the United States applies it, to a multilateral

process.  That seems to be the belief of all the other Latin American

countries involved.  Is there a possibility that the American

administration would be willing to --

          MR. LOCKHART:  Listen, I think that there are some parts about

the drug certification problems -- drug certification process that we

have raised some issues about.  I expect that when President-elect Fox

comes to Washington, in addition to meeting with the President, he may

spend some time with congressional leaders, and that would be an

important message to take to them.

          Q    And this one.  He also said he wants to move toward an

American model of justice as a way to wipe out corruption.  I know that

the American government is very interested in combatting corruption all

over the world.

          MR. LOCKHART:  There's been extensive work that I think people

at the Justice Department, and the FBI, can give you more details into

the context of the binational relationship.  General McCaffrey, Attorney

General Reno and others have spent extensive time with their

counterparts down there.  Obviously, we think any steps they can take to

deal with the issue of corruptions are quite important, and I think any

commitment to look at this problem is one that's welcome.

          Q    Joe, Senator Brownback and others are calling on the

Hill, on the President, that before the Prime Minister of India comes

here in September, all the U.S. sanctions against -- -- should been

lifted, and also he should address both Houses of Congress.  Any

comments upon this --

          MR. LOCKHART:  Well, addressing both Houses of Congress

requires a congressional invitation, and if the leaders of the House and

the Senate believe that that's an appropriate thing, we certainly

support it.  The President was afforded the opportunity to speak to the

legislative body in India, and it was a speech that he enjoyed


          On the sanctions issue, I think there's a -- again, I think

there's a legislative piece to this on remaining sanctions on India.

Let me check into that.  Yes?

          Q    Do you have an idea of when he meets here in September

15th with the President, what they are going to discuss?

          MR. LOCKHART:  I don't have anything on that yet.  Yes?

          Q    Tomorrow he's going to make a speech on prescription

drugs.  Can you just sort of set that up?

          MR. LOCKHART:  I actually expect tomorrow the President to

focus his attention on the patients' bill of rights, and discuss the

importance, surrounded by health professionals from the state of

Missouri, about the public having the right to see a specialist, have

the public have the choices available to them, having redress available

to them.  And we'll call on Congress to get going on this.  We've been

stuck now for month after month after month. The vast majority of the

House of Representatives has passed a strong patients' bill of rights.

We are one vote away in the Senate, as evidenced by an earlier vote.

The conference needs to get going.  The public is demanding the kind of

benefits that come with a patients' bill of rights, and the President, I

think, will spend tomorrow reminding the Congress that the American

public supports this, and that it's time for them to finish their


          Q    Over the weekend, Senator Lott said that they're planning

to take action in the Senate this month on both marriage penalty and the

estate taxes.  Is the President absolutely committed to vetoing the

marriage penalty unless it's linked with the prescription drug plan?

          MR. LOCKHART:  Well, I think the President made very clear

that he can accept the less-targeted version of marriage penalty if the

Congress is willing to do something on prescription drugs.  As far as

the estate -- well, listen, if they don't really want to get marriage

penalty done, and if they want to play politics and score points, and at

the end of the day, risk running the label of having gotten nothing

done, that is certainly their choice -- if that is the platform in which

they want to run on in November.

          I suspect that that's probably not the case; they probably

want to get some things done, we're willing to work with them on that,

and I think the President made a good faith offer, and hopefully a few

days back in the District might lead to a few changed minds.

          Q    As far as the estate tax, is there some talk now about

broadening the relief so that it would exempt all but the super-wealthy?

The White House has already supported --

          MR. LOCKHART:  Well, listen, I think we've made pretty clear

to people on the Hill that we've already taken significant steps on

estate tax, looking at the 1997 balanced budget, and we're willing to

look at other ideas that go toward helping small businesses, helping

family farms.  But the total repeal of the estate tax, which is what the

Republicans have put forward, is an absolute windfall for the most

wealthy Americans.  It will account for about an $800,000 tax cut to

less than one percent of the population.

          So, I think if they're interested in helping small family

farms and small businesses.  You're really looking at a very small

universe of people here.  You're looking at like, I think, less than

1,000 farms, less than 500 estates on some provisions in small

businesses.  Then we can work together, and we can find a way to make

some progress there.  But I think if you're looking at a total repeal --

          Q    This would be sure and -- bill; this would be old, but

for the wealthy --

          MR. LOCKHART:  Well, again, we can certainly look at targeting

relief on estate tax, but if they want to send down something that

provides, on average, an $800,000 tax cut for the most wealthy, the top

1.1 percent of one percent of America's wealthiest, I don't think that

it's going to be met with a lot of sympathy here.  At a time when they

can't raise the minimum wage, they can't provide prescription drugs for

the seniors who need it the most, they can't help modernize schools

around this country, but they can provide almost a $1 million tax cut to

the most wealthy, I don't think that that is something that we'll


          Q    Thank you, Joe.

                           END 12:23 P.M. EDT