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Department Seal The White House
Remarks by President Clinton and Israeli Prime Minister Barak
Photo Opportunity, The Rose Garden
Washington, DC, April 11, 2000

Released by the White House Office of the Press Secretary

6:33 P.M. EDT

Question: Mr. President, why did you call Mr. Barak so urgently to come to Washington? What was the urgency in the matter?

The President: Well, we wanted to talk to each other. It was as much his idea as mine. I think that he wants to continue to energize the peace process, move forward with the Palestinians and with his withdrawal from Lebanon and I strongly support that and we're going to talk about it.

Question: Mr. President, what is the United States going to do to prevent an outburst of violence in Lebanon when Israel pulls out in only 3 months?

The President: Well, if Israel pulls out in accordance with the United Nations resolution, what justification will anyone have for violence? They've been asking for this for years--years and years and years.

Question: Justification or not, there is a warning that there could be a real violent--

Question: That doesn't stop Hezbollah from doing its--

The President: We'll talk about that.

Question: Is there anything the U.S. can do for Israel to make the withdrawal serene, to make it peaceful?

The President: Well, "serene" is a word not normally used in the context of the Middle East these days, but we'll do what we can to help and we're going to talk about it.

Question: Mr. President, are things as bleak on the Syrian track as it seems to us?

The President: Excuse me?

Question: Are things as bleak as they seem to us, on the Syrian track?

The President: Well, I got an answer back from President Assad to several of the points that I raised when I met with him in Switzerland. And there are still differences, if that's what--but that's no bleaker than it was before we met. And so I think what we've got to do is figure out where we go from there. But I think there's a lot of hope for more rapid movement on the Palestinian front and that's what we're going to talk about.

Question: Is the door still open? Is the door still open on Syrian track? Is the door still open?

The President: You should be asking him, but I think so. But there's got to be a willingness, so we've got to bridge some of these divides and so we need to make progress where we can.

Question: Are you going to discuss a new proposal on the Syrian front?

The President: Today, we're going to discuss I think mostly the Palestinian track and Lebanon.

Question: Are you satisfied with the pace of Israel's withdrawal on the Palestinian track?

The President: I think you should wait and see what happens in the next few weeks, before we talk about that.

Question: Well, the--

The President: We're going to talk about what's going to happen from here on in.

Question: --Israel's view of China? Can you talk about that issue, when you come back from the Prime Minister, Israel sell of weaponry to China? Is that going to affect things?

The President: We're going to talk about that. I'm concerned about it--you know I am, and we'll talk about it.

Question: --on the Palestinian track today?

Prime Minister Barak: We have a variety of ideas to discuss about how to move to give new momentum and energy to the Palestinian track in order to live up to the time line that we have set, together with Chairman Arafat.

Question: And what are you going to tell the President about China, selling arms to China?

Prime Minister Barak: We'll discuss it.

[end of document]

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