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Department Seal North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Headquarters)
NATO Press Release
Brussels, Belgium
March 14, 2000

Algeria's Participation in NATO's Mediterranean Dialogue

Following a decision of the North Atlantic Council, NATO's Secretary General, Lord Robertson, has extended an invitation to Algeria to join NATO's Mediterranean Dialogue. The Algerian authorities have accepted the invitation.

The Mediterranean Dialogue aims at creating good, strong and friendly relations across the Mediterranean as well as better mutual understanding. Thus the Dialogue contributes to enhancing security and stability in the region, and complements other international efforts such as the EU's Barcelona Process and the Middle East Peace Process.

NATO's Mediterranean Dialogue is a progressive initiative. It was initiated in 1994 by the North Atlantic Council and currently involves seven non-NATO countries of the Mediterranean region: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia.

The dialogue reflects the Alliance's view that security in Europe is closely linked to security and stability in the Mediterranean. It is an integral part of NATO's external adaptation to the post-Cold War security environment, as well as an important component of the Alliance's policy of outreach and cooperation.

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