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 Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington
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Can lava be diverted?

Diverting lava flows by artificial means is a largely untested and costly option for protecting developed areas. Well-placed barriers may successfully divert a short-lived lava flow, but during a longer eruption, keeping up with the sheer volume of lava and the number of flows involved may prove impossible. During the 1955 eruption of Kilauea's (Hawaii) east rift zone, barriers temporarily diverted flows from two different plantations, but in both cases, flows on subsequent days took different routes and ultimately destroyed the property.

Although a few attempts at lava diversion have been partially successful elsewhere in the world such efforts require favorable conditions of topography and property ownership that can rarely be met in a populated area. Artificial diversion of lava onto property that otherwise would have been spared could lead to complex legal problems. Lava diversion, however, is a reasonable option in unpopulated areas where isolated, high-value property is at risk. For example, diversion structures have been constructed in Hawaii to protect the Mauna Loa Observatory, NOAA's atmospheric research station, from future lava flows.

-- Excerpts from: USGS, 1997, Volcanic and Seismic Hazards on the Island of Hawaii: U. S. Government Printing Office Special Interest Publication

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06/11/08, Lyn Topinka