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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

Lahar-Hazard Zonation for San Miguel Volcano, El Salvador

-- J.J. Major, S.P. Schilling, C.R. Pullinger, C.D. Escobar, C.A. Chesner, and M.M. Howell, 2001,
Lahar-Hazard Zonation for San Miguel Volcano, El Salvador: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 01-395

San Miguel volcano, also known as Chaparrastique, is one of many volcanoes along the volcanic arc in El Salvador. The volcano, located in the eastern part of the country, rises to an altitude of about 2130 meters and towers above the communities of San Miguel, El Transito, San Rafael Oriente, and San Jorge. In addition to the larger communities that surround the volcano, several smaller communities and coffee plantations are located on or around the flanks of the volcano, and the Pan American and coastal highways cross the lowermost northern and southern flanks of the volcano. The population density around San Miguel volcano coupled with the proximity of major transportation routes increases the risk that even small volcano-related events, like landslides or eruptions, may have significant impact on people and infrastructure. -- Major,, 2001

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03/20/02, Lyn Topinka