Energy and Environmental Information Resources Center





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i_hotline.jpgIn this component project of the Energy and Environmental Technology Applications Program, the Center for Advanced Computer Studies at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette (UL Lafayette), and the USGS National Wetlands Research Center (NWRC) build on their scientific expertise and facilities to develop state-of-the-art digital information management and analysis technologies to support energy and environmental issues.  

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September 1999 (#4), June 1999 (#3) , March 1999 (#2), February 1999 (#1)

This research is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy's information management group, the Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI).

The project centers around the development of a comprehensive Energy & Environmental Information Resources (EE-IR) Center, which will focus on information resources of interest to the Gulf Coast region. In addition to those maintained locally, clients will also be provided access to information resources created by organizations such as the National Biological Informationnew testing converter Infrastructure (NBII).

The EE-IR Center benefits users by capturing and organizing the knowledge and experience of environmental research librarians, by creating metadata to locate appropriate information sources, and by providing software tools and infrastructure to transparently search and process data within databases.

The development of the EE-IR Center complements and supports the activities of the NASA/UL Lafayette Regional Application Center recently established at UL Lafayette. The funding provided for this project will, in part, enhance the computing resources of the RAC. Furthermore, the research and development carried out relative to EE-IR Center will further extend the capabilities of the NASA/RAC to search, distribute and add value to NASA data sets.

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"To support the developmental activities, basic and applied research will be carried out in areas such as multimedia indexing and retrieval, database mining, media technology, parallel and distributed computing, and data visualization."

Last Modified: ,  by Linda Broussard (