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Public Meetings


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IRS Oversight Board Public Forum

February 19, 2008
Department of the Treasury, Media Room

Welcome and Introductions: Paul Cherecwich, IRS Oversight Board Chair (1:00)

Panel Discussions:

Panel 1: Innovative Outreach to Customers: How would you recommend the IRS do proactive, educational outreach to stakeholders more efficiently and effectively, and how would you measure the results? (1:15 –2:30)

Moderator: Deborah Wince-Smith, Board Member


Panel 2: The Congress is considering new legislation that would regulate the tax preparation industry, including registration, ethics, and competency testing, continuing professional education requirements, public awareness campaign, and an enforcement component. If the legislation passes, how would you recommend that a program be created that is effective, yet revenue neutral, and what impact would increased regulatory fees have upon your clients and taxpayers in general (2:30 – 3:45)

Moderator: Robert Tobias, Chair, IRSOB Operations Committee


*NATP submitted a written statement but did not participate in Panel 2.

Break (3:45 –4:00)

Panel 3: From your experience, discuss how your members’ organizations attract talent, and develop and retain key employees. What are their best practices for building future leaders? (4:00 – 5:15)

Moderator: Raymond T. Wagner, Jr., Chair, IRSOB Operations Support Committee


*NTEU submitted a written statement but did not participate.

Last Updated: February 26, 2008

IRS Oversight Board 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20220
Phone: 202-622-2581 • Fax: 202-622-7944