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Recovery Act Funds for Administrative Supplements Providing Summer Research Experiences for Students and Science Educators

NIBIB details for responding to the opportunity identified in Notice Number: NOT-OD-09-060

The NIBIB plans to provide administrative supplements to currently active grants for the purpose of promoting job creation, economic recovery, and accelerating the pace and achievement of scientific research. These supplements will also encourage students to seriously pursue research careers in the health related sciences, as well as provide elementary, middle school, and high school teachers, community college faculty, and faculty from non-research intensive institutions with short term research experiences in NIH-funded laboratories. Please refer to the NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts Notice: NOT-OD-09-060 for a general description of this program. In addition to the information in the Guide Notice, below are NIBIB-specific details which should be considered in preparing an administrative supplement request to the NIBIB.

Funding Priorities:

  • Research experiences that focus on Biomedical Engineering or Biomedical Imaging.
  • Summer research opportunities for undergraduate and high school students.
  • Summer research opportunities for science, mathematics, and engineering educators, especially those from elementary, middle, and high school, community college, or predominantly undergraduate institutions.

For the above categories, the NIBIB encourages the participation of individuals from diverse racial and ethnic groups and individuals with disabilities and from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Submission of Applications:
Applications for support in the summer of 2009 must be received by May 1, 2009.

Supported mechanisms:
Administrative supplements will be considered for R01, R21, R03, R15, P41, P20, U01, U54, R44 and R00 grants.

Address for application:
Submit all applications to:
Angela Eldridge
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, NIH
6707 Democracy Blvd., MSC 5469
Suite 900, Democracy II
Bethesda, MD 20892-5469*

*Bethesda, MD 20817 - Use for Express Courier Services

Applications can also be submitted electronically as PDF documents to Angela Eldridge at: aeldridg@mail.nih.gov.

Contact Information:

Program Contacts: Submissions should be discussed with the Program Director of the parent grant. Contact information is available at: http://www.nibib.nih.gov/About/Directories/ProgramStaff.

Grants Management Contact:
Angela Eldridge
301 451-4793
E-mail: aeldridg@mail.nih.gov


Last reviewed on: 07/13/2009

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