Third Annual Public Interest Organization Meeting

February 6, 2002 - Bethesda, Maryland
Questions and Answers and Closing Remarks

Dr. Claude Lenfant, Director, NHLBI, moderated a brief question-and-answer period. He emphasized that the purpose of the PIO meetings is twofold:

  • to acquaint the PIOs with the NHLBI and encourage them to participate in the Institute's programs and activities, especially clinical research, and
  • to inform the NHLBI about its constituencies, the PIOs.

Through the annual meetings with the PIOs, the NHLBI hopes to create a symbiotic relationship with the PIOs and to elicit their candid comments and input on the Institute's activities. Dr. Lenfant noted that the NHLBI was pleased to collaborate with the LRF to stimulate research on lymphatic disease, and he welcomed similar collaborations with other PIOs.

The participants thanked the NHLBI for convening the annual PIO meetings. It was suggested that a future meeting could include a session on the structuring of conferences and workshops to develop research agendas. Dr. Lenfant encouraged the PIOs to apply for NIH conference grants when the state of the science in their area is sufficient for fruitful discussion and identification of significant opportunities for research.

Dr. Lenfant invited the PIO representatives to attend the next day's meeting of the NHLBAC and to provide additional input and comments directly to staff at any time. He also encouraged the PIOs to access the NHLBI Web site ( and the NHLBI Express ( and to read and utilize articles in the FYI from the NHLBI ( Dr. Lenfant thanked the PIOs for participating and adjourned the meeting, saying "see you again next year."

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Last Modified: 3/19/02

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